All OnixS directConnect: B3 Direct Market Access SDK solutions are fully maintained and quick to implement B3 Direct Market Access SDK solutions.


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Further information

OnixS offers the OnixS directConnect: B3 Binary Unified Market Data Feed (UMDF) SBE Market Data Handler SDK and OnixS directConnect: B3 Binary Order Entry SDK solutions for the B3 PUMA Trading System platform including:

The OnixS directConnect: B3 Binary Unified Market Data Feed (UMDF) SBE Market Data Handler SDK C++ and .NET/ C# implementations provide a high performance, ultra-low latency SDK implementation with an easy-to-use API to quickly integrate the B3 Binary Unified Market Data Feed (UMDF) SBE based feed into automated trading frameworks and application logic.

The OnixS directConnect: B3 Binary Order Entry SDK libraries in C++ and .NET provide ultra-low latency access to B3 PUMA Trading System platform for order routing.

B3 Direct Market Access SDK solutions

Platforms supported

The OnixS directConnect: B3 Direct Market Access SDK solutions are implemented on multiple platforms including Linux C++ (RedHat, CentOS, Ubuntu, etc),  Windows C++, and .NET.