Main features
The OnixS directConnect: Eurex F7 Repo FIX Support Pack supports FIX based connection to Eurex Repo's F7 Multilateral Trading Facility (MTF) trading system.
- Easy-to-use and flexible API
- Session Maintenance (Logon Request, Logon Response, Session Level Reject, Sequence gaps fill process, Test Requests and Heartbeats)
- Connectivity Management (detection of network failures and automated reconnect)
- Built-in Scheduler (Session Reset every trading day during maintenance window, Logon and Logout, etc.)
- Multiple Sessions could be supported simultaneously
- Up-to-date support and updates of the Eurex F7 Repo FixDialect.xml FIX Protocol specialisation updates
- Based on low latency OnixS FIX Engine SDKs
- Comprehensive Getting Started sample
- Available in .NET/C#, C++ and Java
Eurex F7 Repo FIX Support Pack SDK
Supported platforms
The OnixS directConnect: Eurex F7 Repo FIX Support Pack SDK solutions are implemented on multiple platforms including C++ on Linux (RedHat, CentOS, Ubuntu, etc.) and Windows, Microsoft .NET Framework and .NET Core Standards, and Java.Includes
- Handler library
- Documentation
- Getting Started sample project