Main features

The Euronext Optiq Market Data Gateway (MDG) market data messaging feeds provide real-time and snapshot Market Data message-based feeds over the UDP/IP protocol using SBE (Simple Binary Encoding) techniques. The SBE based feed is optimised for low latency encoding and decoding for optimal bandwidth utilisation.

The Simple Binary Encoding (SBE) format is a fixed position, fixed field length protocol supporting direct access to data, therefore avoiding the need for management of multiple variable-length elements which must be sequentially processed. This makes it easier for consuming systems to scan the message for key fields to determine whether or not to process the message.

The Euronext Optiq Market Data Gateway (MDG) feed provides:

  • Ultra low latency market data dissemination.
  • Cash & Derivatives markets message harmonisation
  • High availability
  • High level of scalability and reliability
  • Access to a wide range of European market data sets

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Euronext Optiq Market Data Gateway (MDG) Market Data Handler


Further information

The OnixS directConnect: Euronext Optiq Market Data Gateway (MDG) Market Data Handler SDK implementation features include:

  • Support for Euronext Cash & Derivatives markets.
  • Easy-to-use API.
  • Low latency and low CPU load.
  • Complete access to the venue data model.
  • Incremental Book Management.
  • Arbitration between A and B feeds.
  • Synchronisation of client systems to the latest market state.
  • Recovery of missed (lost) messages (both "Market Recovery" and and "Snapshot" feeds are supported).
  • Instrument Recovery.

Euronext Optiq Market Data Gateway (MDG) Market Data Handler SDK

All solutions are pre-certified with the Exchange thus providing production ready, fully maintained and quick to implement Direct Market Access solutions.


The OnixS directConnect: Euronext Optiq Market Data Gateway (MDG) Market Data Handler SDK includes:

  • Handler library
  • Documentation
  • Sample projects (Getting Started, Advanced, Benchmark, Backtesting, etc.)
Platforms supported

The OnixS directConnect: Euronext Optiq Market Data Gateway (MDG) Market Data Handler SDK solutions are implemented on Windows C++ , Linux C++ (RedHat, CentOS, Ubuntu, etc).