Tag |
Field Name |
Req'd |
Comments |
<MessageHeader> |
Y |
MsgType <35> = AP
721 |
PosMaintRptID |
Y |
Unique identifier for this position report
710 |
PosReqID |
N |
Unique identifier for the Request for Positions associated with this report
This field should not be provided if the report was sent unsolicited.
724 |
PosReqType |
N |
263 |
SubscriptionRequestType |
N |
Used to subscribe / unsubscribe for trade capture reports
If the field is absent, the value 0 will be the default
727 |
TotalNumPosReports |
N |
Total number of Position Reports being returned
325 |
UnsolicitedIndicator |
N |
Set to 'Y' if message is sent as a result of a subscription request or out of band configuration as opposed to a Position
728 |
PosReqResult |
Y |
715 |
ClearingBusinessDate |
Y |
The Clearing Business Date referred to by this maintenance request
716 |
SettlSessID |
N |
717 |
SettlSessSubID |
N |
Component Block - <Parties> |
Y |
Position Account
1 |
Account |
Y |
660 |
AcctIDSource |
N |
581 |
AccountType |
Y |
Type of account associated with the order (Origin)
Component Block - <Instrument> |
N |
15 |
Currency |
N |
730 |
SettlPrice |
Y |
731 |
SettlPriceType |
Y |
Values = Final, Theoretical
734 |
PriorSettlPrice |
Y |
555 |
NoLegs |
N |
Specifies the number of legs that make up the Security
=> |
Component Block - <InstrumentLeg> |
N |
Insert here the set of "<InstrumentLeg>" (leg symbology) fields
Required if NoLegs <555> > 0
711 |
NoUnderlyings |
N |
Specifies the number of underlying legs that make up the Security
=> |
Component Block - <UnderlyingInstrument> |
N |
Insert here the set of "<UnderlyingInstrument>" (underlying symbology) fields
Required if NoUnderlyings <711> > 0
=> |
732 |
UnderlyingSettlPrice |
Y |
=> |
733 |
UnderlyingSettlPriceType |
Y |
Values = Final, Theoretical
Component Block - <PositionQty> |
Y |
Component Block - <PositionAmountData> |
Y |
506 |
RegistStatus |
N |
743 |
DeliveryDate |
N |
58 |
Text |
N |
354 |
EncodedTextLen |
N |
Must be set if EncodedText <355> field is specified and must immediately precede it.
355 |
EncodedText |
N |
Encoded (non-ASCII characters) representation of the Text <58> field in the encoded format specified via the MessageEncoding <347> field.
<MessageTrailer> |
Y |