
Type: String

Defines message type ALWAYS THIRD FIELD IN MESSAGE. (Always unencrypted)

Note: A "U" as the first character in the MsgType field (i.e. U, U2, etc) indicates that the message format is privately defined between the sender and receiver.

Note the use of lower case letters.

Valid values:

  • 0 = Heartbeat
  • 1 = TestRequest
  • 2 = ResendRequest
  • 3 = Reject
  • 4 = SequenceReset
  • 5 = Logout
  • 6 = IOI
  • 7 = Advertisement
  • 8 = ExecutionReport
  • 9 = OrderCancelReject
  • A = Logon
  • B = News
  • C = Email
  • D = NewOrderSingle
  • E = NewOrderList
  • F = OrderCancelRequest
  • G = OrderCancelReplaceRequest
  • H = OrderStatusRequest
  • J = AllocationInstruction
  • K = ListCancelRequest
  • L = ListExecute
  • M = ListStatusRequest
  • N = ListStatus
  • P = AllocationInstructionAck
  • Q = DontKnowTradeDK
  • R = QuoteRequest
  • S = Quote
  • T = SettlementInstructions
  • V = MarketDataRequest
  • W = MarketDataSnapshotFullRefresh
  • X = MarketDataIncrementalRefresh
  • Y = MarketDataRequestReject
  • Z = QuoteCancel
  • a = QuoteStatusRequest
  • b = MassQuoteAcknowledgement
  • c = SecurityDefinitionRequest
  • d = SecurityDefinition
  • e = SecurityStatusRequest
  • f = SecurityStatus
  • g = TradingSessionStatusRequest
  • h = TradingSessionStatus
  • i = MassQuote
  • j = BusinessMessageReject
  • k = BidRequest
  • l = BidResponse
  • m = ListStrikePrice
  • n = XML_non_FIX
  • o = RegistrationInstructions
  • p = RegistrationInstructionsResponse
  • q = OrderMassCancelRequest
  • r = OrderMassCancelReport
  • s = NewOrderCross
  • t = CrossOrderCancelReplaceRequest
  • u = CrossOrderCancelRequest
  • v = SecurityTypeRequest
  • w = SecurityTypes
  • x = SecurityListRequest
  • y = SecurityList
  • z = DerivativeSecurityListRequest
  • AA = DerivativeSecurityList
  • AB = NewOrderMultileg
  • AC = MultilegOrderCancelReplace
  • AD = TradeCaptureReportRequest
  • AE = TradeCaptureReport
  • AF = OrderMassStatusRequest
  • AG = QuoteRequestReject
  • AH = RFQRequest
  • AI = QuoteStatusReport
  • AJ = QuoteResponse
  • AK = Confirmation
  • AL = PositionMaintenanceRequest
  • AM = PositionMaintenanceReport
  • AN = RequestForPositions
  • AO = RequestForPositionsAck
  • AP = PositionReport
  • AQ = TradeCaptureReportRequestAck
  • AR = TradeCaptureReportAck
  • AS = AllocationReport
  • AT = AllocationReportAck
  • AU = Confirmation_Ack
  • AV = SettlementInstructionRequest
  • AW = AssignmentReport
  • AX = CollateralRequest
  • AY = CollateralAssignment
  • AZ = CollateralResponse
  • BA = CollateralReport
  • BB = CollateralInquiry
  • BC = NetworkCounterpartySystemStatusRequest
  • BD = NetworkCounterpartySystemStatusResponse
  • BE = UserRequest
  • BF = UserResponse
  • BG = CollateralInquiryAck
  • BH = ConfirmationRequest
  • BO = ContraryIntentionReport
  • BP = SecurityDefinitionUpdateReport
  • BK = SecurityListUpdateReport
  • BL = AdjustedPositionReport
  • BM = AllocationInstructionAlert
  • BN = ExecutionAcknowledgement
  • BJ = TradingSessionList
  • BI = TradingSessionListRequest
  • BQ = SettlementObligationReport
  • BR = DerivativeSecurityListUpdateReport
  • BS = TradingSessionListUpdateReport
  • BT = MarketDefinitionRequest
  • BU = MarketDefinition
  • BV = MarketDefinitionUpdateReport
  • BW = ApplicationMessageRequest
  • BX = ApplicationMessageRequestAck
  • BY = ApplicationMessageReport
  • BZ = OrderMassActionReport
  • CA = OrderMassActionRequest
  • CB = UserNotification
  • CC = StreamAssignmentRequest
  • CD = StreamAssignmentReport
  • CE = StreamAssignmentReportACK
  • CF = PartyDetailsListRequest

    The PartyDetailsListRequest is used to request party detail information.

  • CG = PartyDetailsListReport

    The PartyDetailsListReport message is used to disseminate party details between counterparties. PartyDetailsListReport messages may be sent in response to a PartyDetailsListRequest message or sent unsolicited.

  • CH = MarginRequirementInquiry

    The purpose of this message is to initiate a margin requirement inquiry for a margin account. The inquiry may be submitted at the detail level or the summary level. It can also be used to inquire margin excess/deficit or net position information. Margin excess/deficit will provide information about the surplus or shortfall compared to the previous trading day or a more recent margin calculation. An inquiry for net position information will trigger one or more PositionReport messages instead of one or more MarginRequirementReport messages.

    If the inquiry is made at the detail level, an Instrument block must be provided with the desired level of detail. If the inquiry is made at the summary level, the Instrument block is not provided, implying a summary request is being made. For example, if the inquiring firm specifies the Security Type of “FUT” in the Instrument block, then a detail report will be generated containing the margin requirements for all futures positions for the inquiring account. Similarly, if the inquiry is made at the summary level, the report will contain the total margin requirement aggregated to the margin account level.

  • CI = MarginRequirementInquiryAck

    Used to respond to a Margin Requirement Inquiry.

  • CJ = MarginRequirementReport

    The Margin Requirement Report returns information about margin requirement either as on overview across all margin accounts or on a detailed level due to the inquiry making use of the optional Instrument component block. Application sequencing can be used to re-request a range of reports.

  • CK = PartyDetailsListUpdateReport

    The PartyDetailsListUpdateReport <CK> is used to disseminate updates to party detail information.

  • CL = PartyRiskLimitsRequest

    The PartyRiskLimitsRequest message is used to request for risk information for specific parties, specific party roles or specific instruments.

  • CM = PartyRiskLimitsReport

    The PartyRiskLimitsReport message is used to communicate party risk limits. The message can either be sent as a response to the PartyRiskLimitsRequest message or can be published unsolicited.

  • CN = SecurityMassStatusRequest
  • CO = SecurityMassStatus
  • CQ = AccountSummaryReport

    The AccountSummaryReport is provided by the clearinghouse to its clearing members on a daily basis. It contains margin, settlement, collateral and pay/collect data for each clearing member level account type. Clearing member account types will be described through use of the Parties component and PtysSubGrp sub-component.

    In certain usages, the clearing members can send the AccountSummaryReport message to the clearinghouse as needed. For example, clearing members can send this message to the clearinghouse to identify the value of collateral for each customer (to satisfy CFTC Legally Segregated Operationally Commingled (LSOC) regulatory reporting obligations).

    Clearing organizations can also send the AccountSummaryReport message to regulators to meet regulatory reporting obligations. For example, clearing organizations can use this message to submit daily reports for each clearing member (“CM”) by house origin and by each customer origin for all futures, options, and swaps positions, and all securities positions held in a segregated account or pursuant to a cross margining agreement, to a regulator (e.g. to the CFTC to meet Part 39, Section 39.19 reporting obligations).

  • CR = PartyRiskLimitsUpdateReport

    The PartyRiskLimitsUpdateReport <CR> is used to convey incremental changes to risk limits. It is similar to the regular report but uses the PartyRiskLimitsUpdateGrp component instead of the PartyRiskLimitsGrp component to include an update action.

  • CS = PartyRiskLimitsDefinitionRequest

    PartyRiskLimitDefinitionRequest is used for defining new risk limits.

  • CT = PartyRiskLimitsDefinitionRequestAck

    PartyRiskLimitDefinitionRequestAck is used for accepting (with or without changes) or rejecting the definition of risk limits.

  • CU = PartyEntitlementsRequest

    The PartyEntitlementsRequest message is used to request for entitlement information for one or more party(-ies), specific party role(s), or specific instrument(s).

  • CV = PartyEntitlementsReport

    The PartyEntitlementsReport is used to report entitlements for one or more parties, party role(s), or specific instrument(s).

  • CW = QuoteAck

    The QuoteAck <CW> message is used to acknowledge a Quote <S> submittal or request to cancel an individual quote using the QuoteCancel <Z> message during a Quote/Negotiation dialog.

  • CX = PartyDetailsDefinitionRequest

    The PartyDetailsDefinitionRequest <CX> is used for defining new parties and modifying or deleting existing parties information, including the relationships between parties.

    The recipient of the message responds with a PartyDetailsDefinitionRequestAck <CY> to indicate whether the request was accepted or rejected.

  • CY = PartyDetailsDefinitionRequestAck

    The PartyDetailsDefinitionRequestAck <CY> is used as a response to the PartyDetailsDefinitionRequest <CX> message. The request can be accepted (with or without changes) or rejected.

  • CZ = PartyEntitlementsUpdateReport

    The PartyEntitlementsUpdateReport <CZ> is used to convey incremental changes to party entitlements. It is similar to the PartyEntitlementsReport <CV>. This message uses the PartyEntitlementsUpdateGrp component which includes the ability to specify an update action using ListUpdateAction <1324>.

  • DA = PartyEntitlementsDefinitionRequest

    The PartyEntitlementsDefinitionRequest <DA> is used for defining new entitlements, and modifying or deleting existing entitlements for the specified party(-ies).

  • DB = PartyEntitlementsDefinitionRequestAck

    The PartyEntitlementsDefinitionRequestAck <DB> is used as a response to the PartyEntitlementsDefinitionRequest <DA> to accept (with or without changes) or reject the definition of party entitlements.

  • DC = TradeMatchReport

    The TradeMatchReport <DC> message is used by exchanges and ECN’s to report matched trades to central counterparties (CCPs) as an atomic event. The message is used to express the one-to-one, one-to-many and many-to-many matches as well as implied matches in which more complex instruments can match with simpler instruments.

  • DD = TradeMatchReportAck

    The TradeMatchReportAck <DD> is used to respond to theTradeMatchReport <DC> message. It may be used to report on the status of the request (e.g. accepting the request or rejecting the request).

  • DE = PartyRiskLimitsReportAck

    PartyRiskLimitsReportAck is an optional message used as a response to the PartyRiskLimitsReport <CM> or PartyRiskLimitsUpdateReport <CR> messages to acknowledge or reject those messages.

  • DF = PartyRiskLimitCheckRequest

    PartyRiskLimitCheckRequest is used to request for approval of credit or risk limit amount intended to be used by a party in a transaction from another party that holds the information.

  • DG = PartyRiskLimitCheckRequestAck

    PartyRiskLimitCheckRequestAck is used to acknowledge a PartyRiskLimitCheckRequest <DF> message and to respond whether the limit check request was approved or not. When used to accept the PartyRiskLimitCheckRequest <DF> message the Respondent may also include the limit amount that was approved.

  • DH = PartyActionRequest

    The PartyActionRequest message is used suspend or halt the specified party from further trading activities at the Respondent. The Respondent must respond with a PartyActionReport <DI> message.

  • DI = PartyActionReport

    Used to respond to the PartyActionRequest <DH> message, indicating whether the request has been received, accepted or rejected. Can also be used in an unsolicited manner to report party actions, e.g. reinstatements after a manual intervention out of band.

  • DJ = MassOrder

    The MassOrder <DJ> message can be used to add, modify or delete multiple unrelated orders with a single message. Apart from clearing related attributes, only the key order attributes for high performance trading are available.

  • DK = MassOrderAck

    The mass order acknowledgement message is used to acknowledge the receipt of and the status for a MassOrder <DJ> message.

  • DL = PositionTransferInstruction

    The PositionTransferInstruction <DL> is sent by clearing firms to CCPs to initiate position transfers, or to accept or decline position transfers.

  • DM = PositionTransferInstructionAck

    The PositionTransferInstructionAck <DM> is sent by CCPs to clearing firms to acknowledge position transfer instructions, and to report errors processing position transfer instructions.

  • DN = PositionTransferReport

    The PositionTransferReport <DN> is sent by CCPs to clearing firms indicating of positions that are to be transferred to the clearing firm, or to report on status of the transfer to the clearing firms involved in the transfer process.

  • DO = MarketDataStatisticsRequest

    The MarketDataStatisticsRequest <DO> is used to request for statistical data. The simple form is to use an identifier (MDStatisticID <2475>) assigned by the market place which would denote a pre-defined statistical report. Alternatively, or also in addition, the request can define a number of parameters for the desired statistical information.

  • DP = MarketDataStatisticsReport

    The MarketDataStatisticsReport <DP> is used to provide unsolicited statistical information or in response to a specific request. Each report contains a set of statistics for a single entity which could be a market, a market segment, a security list or an instrument.

  • DQ = CollateralReportAck

    CollateralReportAck <DQ> is used as a response to the CollateralReport <BA>. It can be used to reject a CollateralReport <BA> when the content of the report is invalid based on the business rules of the receiver. The message may also be used to acknowledge receipt of a valid CollateralReport <BA>.

  • DR = MarketDataReport

    The MarketDataReport <DR> message is used to provide delimiting references (e.g. start and end markers in a continuous broadcast) and details about the number of market data messages sent in a given distribution cycle.

  • DS = CrossRequest

    The CrossRequest <DS> message is used to indicate the submission of orders or quotes that may result in a crossed trade.

  • DT = CrossRequestAck

    The CrossRequestAck <DT> message is used to confirm the receipt of a CrossRequest <DS> message.

  • DU = AllocationInstructionAlertRequest

    This message is used in a clearinghouse 3-party allocation model to request for AllocationInstructionAlert <BM> from the clearinghouse. The request may be used to obtain a one-time notification of the status of an allocation group.

  • DV = AllocationInstructionAlertRequestAck

    This message is used in a clearinghouse 3-party allocation model to acknowledge a AllocationInstructionAlertRequest <DU> message for an AllocationInstructionAlert <BM> message from the clearinghouse.

  • DW = TradeAggregationRequest

    TradeAggregationRequest <DW> is used to request that the identified trades between the initiator and respondent be aggregated together for further processing.

  • DX = TradeAggregationReport

    TradeAggregationReport <DX> is used to respond to the TradeAggregationRequest <DW> message. It provides the status of the request (e.g. accepted or rejected) and may also provide additional information supplied by the respondent.

  • EA = PayManagementReport

    PayManagementReport <EA> may be used to respond to the PayManagementRequest <DY> message. It provides the status of the request (e.g. accepted, disputed) and may provide additional information related to the request.

    PayManagementReport <EA> may also be sent unsolicited by the broker to a client. In which case the client may acknowledge and resolve disputes out-of-band or with a simple PayManagementReportAck <EB>.

    PayManagementReport <EA> may also be sent unsolicited to report the progress status of the payment itself with PayReportTransType <2804>=2 (Status).

  • EB = PayManagementReportAck

    PayManagementReportAck <EB> is used as a response to the PayManagementReport <EA> message. It may be used to accept, reject or dispute the details of the PayManagementReport <EA> depending on the business rules of the receiver. This message may also be used to acknowledge the receipt of a PayManagementReport <EA> message.

  • DY = PayManagementRequest

    PayManagementRequest <DY> message is used to communicate a future or expected payment to be made or received related to a trade or contract after its settlement.

  • DZ = PayManagementRequestAck

    PayManagementRequestAck <DZ> is used to acknowledge the receipt of the PayManagementRequest <DY> message (i.e. a technical acknowledgement of receipt). Acceptance or rejection of the request is reported in the corresponding PayManagementReport <EA>.

Used In