The Collateral Amount Group component block is a repeating group that provides the current value of the collateral type on deposit. The currency of the collateral value may be optionally included.
Tag | Field Name | Req'd | Comments | |
1703 | NoCollateralAmounts | N | ||
→ | 1704 | CurrentCollateralAmount | N |
Required if NoCollateralAmounts <1703> > 0. |
→ | 1705 | CollateralCurrency | N |
Can be used to specify the currency of CurrentCollateralAmount <1704> if Currency <15> is not specified or is not the same. |
→ | 2632 | CollateralAmountType | N | |
→ | 2090 | CollateralFXRate | N | |
→ | 2091 | CollateralFXRateCalc | N | |
→ | 1706 | CollateralType | N | |
→ | 2092 | CollateralAmountMarketSegmentID | N | |
→ | 2093 | CollateralAmountMarketID | N | |
→ | 1902 | HaircutIndicator | N | |
→ | 2350 | CollateralPortfolioID | N | |
→ | 2690 | CollateralPercentOverage | N | |
→ | 2689 | CollateralMarketPrice | N | |
→ | 2840 | CollateralReinvestmentRate | N |
May be used to specify the average reinvestment rate when there are multiple instances of the CollateralReinvestmentGrp. |
→ | Component Block - <CollateralReinvestmentGrp> | N | ||
→ | 2841 | UnderlyingRefID | N |
May be used to indicate that this entry applies to the underlying collateral instrument being referenced by the value in UnderlyingID <2874>. |