
Tag Field Name Req'd Comments
78 NoAllocs N Number of repeating groups for trade allocation
79 AllocAccount N Required if NoAllocs > 0. Must be first field in repeating group.
661 AllocAcctIDSource N
736 AllocSettlCurrency N
467 IndividualAllocID N
1593 ParentAllocID N
2727 AllocLegRefID N

The field may not be used in any message where there are no legs.

Component Block - <AllocRegulatoryTradeIDGrp> N
1729 FirmMnemonic N
Component Block - <NestedParties2> N Insert here the set of "NestedParties2" (firm identification "nested" within additional repeating group) fields defined in "Common Components of Application Messages"
209 AllocHandlInst N
80 AllocQty N
2515 AllocCalculatedCcyQty N
1752 CustodialLotID N

Only used for specific lot trades.

1753 VersusPurchaseDate N

Only used for specific lot trades. If this field is used, either VersusPurchasePrice <1754> or CurrentCostBasis <1755> should be specified.

1754 VersusPurchasePrice N

Only used for specific lot trades. If this field is used, VersusPurchaseDate <1753> should be specified.

1755 CurrentCostBasis N

Only used for specific lot trades. If this field is used, VersusPurchaseDate <1753> should be specified

993 AllocCustomerCapacity N Can be used for granular reporting of separate allocation detail within a single trade report or allocation message.
1002 AllocMethod N Specifies the method under which a trade quantity was allocated.
989 SecondaryIndividualAllocID N Provides support for an intermediary assigned allocation ID
1136 AllocClearingFeeIndicator N
Component Block - <TradeAllocAmtGrp> N
1840 TradeAllocStatus N
1735 AllocationRollupInstruction N
161 AllocText N
360 EncodedAllocTextLen N
361 EncodedAllocText N
1732 FirmAllocText N
1733 EncodedFirmAllocTextLen N
1734 EncodedFirmAllocText N
2392 AllocRefRiskLimitCheckID N
2393 AllocRefRiskLimitCheckIDType N
Component Block - <AllocCommissionDataGrp> N

Used In