
Assignment Reports are sent from a clearing house to counterparties, such as a clearing firm as a result of the assignment process.Communication Scenarios

Assignment Report can be sent unsolicited from the clearing house to a clearing firm.

Assignment Report can be returned in response to a Request for Positions message with a PosReqType <724> set to 3 (Assignment).

Assignment Report


Tag Field Name Req'd Comments
Component Block - <StandardHeader> Y MsgType = AW
Component Block - <ApplicationSequenceControl> N
833 AsgnRptID Y Unique identifier for the Assignment report
710 PosReqID N If specified,the identifier of the RequestForPositions <AN> to which this message is sent in response.
832 TotNumAssignmentReports N Total Number of Assignment Reports being returned to a firm
912 LastRptRequested N
Component Block - <Parties> Y

Clearing Organization

Clearing Firm

Contra Clearing Organization

Contra Clearing Firm

Position Account

1 Account N Customer Account
581 AccountType N Type of account associated with the order (Origin)
Component Block - <Instrument> N CFI Code - Market Indicator (col 4) used to indicate Market of Assignment
15 Currency N
Component Block - <InstrmtLegGrp> N Number of legs that make up the Security
Component Block - <UndInstrmtGrp> N Number of legs that make up the Security
Component Block - <PositionQty> N "Insert here here the set of "Position Qty" fields defined in "Common Components of Application Messages"
Component Block - <PositionAmountData> N Insert here here the set of "Position Amount Data" fields defined in "Common Components of Application Messages"
834 ThresholdAmount N
730 SettlPrice N Settlement Price of Option
731 SettlPriceType N Values = Final, Theoretical
732 UnderlyingSettlPrice N Settlement Price of Underlying
734 PriorSettlPrice N
1595 PositionContingentPrice N
432 ExpireDate N Expiration Date of Option
744 AssignmentMethod N Method under which assignment was conducted Valid values: R = Random P = ProRata
745 AssignmentUnit N Quantity Increment used in performing assignment
746 OpenInterest N Open interest that was eligible for assignment
747 ExerciseMethod N

Exercise Method used to in performing assignment

Values = Automatic, Manual

716 SettlSessID N
717 SettlSessSubID N
715 ClearingBusinessDate Y Business date of assignment
58 Text N
354 EncodedTextLen N Must be set if EncodedText field is specified and must immediately precede it.
355 EncodedText N Encoded (non-ASCII characters) representation of the Text field in the encoded format specified via the MessageEncoding field.
Component Block - <StandardTrailer> Y