The Position Maintenance Report message is sent by the holder of a position in response to a PositionMaintenanceRequest <AL> and is used to confirm that a request has been successfully processed or rejected.
Tag | Field Name | Req'd | Comments | |
Component Block - <StandardHeader> | Y | MsgType = AM | ||
721 | PosMaintRptID | Y | Unique identifier for this position report | |
709 | PosTransType | Y | ||
2618 | PositionID | N |
Unique identifier for this position entity. |
710 | PosReqID | N | Unique identifier for the position maintenance request associated with this report | |
712 | PosMaintAction | Y | ||
713 | OrigPosReqRefID | N | Reference to the PosReqID of a previous maintenance request that is being replaced or canceled. | |
722 | PosMaintStatus | N | Status of Position Maintenance Request | |
723 | PosMaintResult | N | ||
715 | ClearingBusinessDate | Y | The Clearing Business Date covered by this request | |
2084 | PreviousClearingBusinessDate | N |
The business date previous to the clearing business date referred to by this maintenance request. |
2085 | ValuationDate | N |
Valuation date of the position(s) in this report. |
2086 | ValuationTime | N |
Valuation time of the position(s) in this report. |
2087 | ValuationBusinessCenter | N |
Business center of ValuationDate <2085> and ValuationTime <2086>. Single value only. |
1592 | DiscountFactor | N |
For a forward position this is an appropriate value to discount the mark to market amount from the contract’s maturity date back to present value. |
1328 | RejectText | N | ||
1664 | EncodedRejectTextLen | N | ||
1665 | EncodedRejectText | N | ||
716 | SettlSessID | N | ||
717 | SettlSessSubID | N | ||
1832 | ClearedIndicator | N | ||
1833 | ContractRefPosType | N | ||
1834 | PositionCapacity | N | ||
2101 | TerminatedIndicator | N | ||
979 | InputSource | N | ||
Component Block - <Parties> | N | Position Account | ||
1 | Account | N | ||
660 | AcctIDSource | N | ||
581 | AccountType | N | Type of account associated with the order (Origin) | |
714 | PosMaintRptRefID | N | Reference to a PosMaintRptID <721> from a previous Position Maintenance Report that is being replaced or canceled | |
Component Block - <Instrument> | Y | |||
15 | Currency | N | ||
2897 | CurrencyCodeSource | N | ||
64 | SettlDate | N | ||
120 | SettlCurrency | N | ||
2899 | SettlCurrencyCodeSource | N | ||
719 | ContraryInstructionIndicator | N | Can be set to true when a position maintenance request is being performed contrary to current money position, i.e. for an exercise of an out of the money position or an abandonement (do not exercise) of an in the money position | |
720 | PriorSpreadIndicator | N | ||
Component Block - <InstrmtLegGrp> | N | Specifies the number of legs that make up the Security | ||
Component Block - <RelatedInstrumentGrp> | N | |||
Component Block - <UndInstrmtGrp> | N | Specifies the number of underlying legs that make up the Security | ||
Component Block - <TrdgSesGrp> | N | Specifies the number of repeating TradingSessionIDs | ||
60 | TransactTime | N | Time this order request was initiated/released by the trader, trading system, or intermediary. Conditionally required except when requests for reports are processed in batch, transaction time is not available, or when PosReqID is not present. | |
Component Block - <PositionQty> | N | See definition for Position Quantity in the Proposed Component Block section above | ||
Component Block - <PositionAmountData> | N | Insert here here the set of "Position Amount Data" fields defined in "Common Components of Application Messages" | ||
Component Block - <RegulatoryTradeIDGrp> | N |
The source, value and relationship of multiple trade identifiers for the same trade, e.g. Unique Swap Identifiers. |
Component Block - <PaymentGrp> | N |
Additional payments or bullet payments. |
718 | AdjustmentType | N |
Type of adjustment to be applied Delta_plus, Delta_minus, Final. If Adjustment Type is null, the PCS request will be processed as Margin Disposition only |
834 | ThresholdAmount | N | ||
Component Block - <RelatedTradeGrp> | N | |||
58 | Text | N | ||
354 | EncodedTextLen | N | Must be set if EncodedText field is specified and must immediately precede it. | |
355 | EncodedText | N | Encoded (non-ASCII characters) representation of the Text field in the encoded format specified via the MessageEncoding field. | |
Component Block - <StandardTrailer> | Y |