
The Trade Capture Report Ack message can be:

  • Used to acknowledge trade capture reports received from a counterparty
  • Used to reject a trade capture report received from a counterparty

Trade Capture Report Ack


Tag Field Name Req'd Comments
Component Block - <StandardHeader> Y MsgType = AR
571 TradeReportID N Unique identifier for the Trade Capture Report
1003 TradeID N
1040 SecondaryTradeID N
1041 FirmTradeID N
1042 SecondaryFirmTradeID N
487 TradeReportTransType N Identifies Trade Report message transaction type.
856 TradeReportType N Indicates action to take on trade
828 TrdType N
829 TrdSubType N
855 SecondaryTrdType N
1849 OffsetInstruction N
1123 TradeHandlingInstr N
1124 OrigTradeHandlingInstr N
1125 OrigTradeDate N Used to preserve original trade date when original trade is being referenced in a subsequent trade transaction such as a transfer
1126 OrigTradeID N Used to preserve original trade id when original trade is being referenced in a subsequent trade transaction such as a transfer
1127 OrigSecondaryTradeID N Used to preserve original secondary trade id when original trade is being referenced in a subsequent trade transaction such as a transfer
830 TransferReason N
Component Block - <RootParties> N Insert here the set of "Root Parties" (firm identification) fields defined in "common components of application messages" Range of values on report:
150 ExecType N

Type of Execution being reported:

Uses subset of ExecType for Trade Capture Reports

572 TradeReportRefID N The TradeReportID that is being referenced for some action, such as correction or cancellation
881 SecondaryTradeReportRefID N The SecondaryTradeReportID that is being referenced for some action, such as correction or cancellation
939 TrdRptStatus N Status of Trade Report
1523 TrdAckStatus N
751 TradeReportRejectReason N Reason for Rejection of Trade Report
1328 RejectText N

Reason description for rejecting the TradeCaptureReport <AE>.

1664 EncodedRejectTextLen N

Must be set if EncodedRejectText <1665> field is specified and must immediately precede it.

1665 EncodedRejectText N

Encoded (non-ASCII characters) representation of the RejectText <1328> field in the encoded format specified via the MessageEncoding <347> field.

818 SecondaryTradeReportID N
263 SubscriptionRequestType N

Used to subscribe / unsubscribe for trade capture reports

If the field is absent, the value 0 will be the default

820 TradeLinkID N Used to associate a group of trades together. Useful for average price calculations.
880 TrdMatchID N
17 ExecID N Exchanged assigned Execution ID (Trade Identifier)
527 SecondaryExecID N
378 ExecRestatementReason N
570 PreviouslyReported N
423 PriceType N
Component Block - <PriceQualifierGrp> N
549 CrossType N
822 UnderlyingTradingSessionID N
823 UnderlyingTradingSessionSubID N
716 SettlSessID N
717 SettlSessSubID N
854 QtyType N
32 LastQty N
31 LastPx N
1430 VenueType N
1300 MarketSegmentID N
1301 MarketID N
Component Block - <Instrument> Y Insert here the set of "Instrument" (symbology) fields defined in "Common Components of Application Messages"
Component Block - <InstrumentExtension> N
Component Block - <FinancingDetails> N
669 LastParPx N
1056 CalculatedCcyLastQty N
1071 LastSwapPoints N
2762 PriceMarkup N

Dealer's markup of market price to LastPx <31>.

Component Block - <AveragePriceDetail> N
15 Currency N Primary currency of the specified currency pair. Used to qualify LastQty and GrossTradeAmout
2897 CurrencyCodeSource N
120 SettlCurrency N Contra currency of the deal. Used to qualify CalculatedCcyLastQty
2899 SettlCurrencyCodeSource N
194 LastSpotRate N
195 LastForwardPoints N
30 LastMkt N
75 TradeDate N
715 ClearingBusinessDate N
6 AvgPx N
1731 AvgPxGroupID N
819 AvgPxIndicator N
442 MultiLegReportingType N
824 TradeLegRefID N
60 TransactTime N Time ACK was issued by matching system, trading system or counterparty
63 SettlType N
Component Block - <UndInstrmtGrp> N
573 MatchStatus N
574 MatchType N
797 CopyMsgIndicator N
Component Block - <TrdRepIndicatorsGrp> N
852 PublishTrdIndicator N
1390 TradePublishIndicator N
853 ShortSaleReason N
Component Block - <TrdInstrmtLegGrp> N
Component Block - <TrdRegTimestamps> N
725 ResponseTransportType N Ability to specify whether the response to the request should be delivered inband or via pre-arranged out-of-band transport.
726 ResponseDestination N URI destination name. Used if ResponseTransportType is out-of-band.
58 Text N May be used by the executing market to record any execution Details that are particular to that market
354 EncodedTextLen N Must be set if EncodedText field is specified and must immediately precede it.
355 EncodedText N Encoded (non-ASCII characters) representation of the Text field in the encoded format specified via the MessageEncoding field.
1015 AsOfIndicator N Indicates if the trade is an outtrade from a previous day
635 ClearingFeeIndicator N
Component Block - <PositionAmountData> N Insert here here the set of "Position Amount Data" fields defined in "Common Components of Application Messages"
994 TierCode N Indicates the algorithm (tier) used to match a trade
1011 MessageEventSource N Used to identify the event or source which gave rise to a message
779 LastUpdateTime N Used to indicate reports after a specific time
991 RndPx N Specifies the rounded price to quoted precision.
Component Block - <TradeQtyGrp> N
Component Block - <TrdCapRptAckSideGrp> N
1135 RptSys N
381 GrossTradeAmt N (LastQty <32> * LastPx <31> or LastParPx <669>) For Fixed Income, LastParPx <669> is used when LastPx <31> is not expressed as "percent of par" price.
64 SettlDate N
1329 FeeMultiplier N
2343 RiskLimitCheckStatus N
Component Block - <StandardTrailer> Y