
The Trading Session List Request is used to request a list of trading sessions available in a market place and the state of those trading sessions. The request can be modified to request status on a particular trading session (by specifying the TradingSessionID <336> and TradingSessionSubID <625> (if used by the market place). The request can be used to request a list of trading sessions that use a particular trading method or mode (such as electronic) by specifying the TradSesMethod <338> and/or TradSesMode <339>.

A successful request will result in a response from the counterparty of a Trading Session List (MsgType <35>=BJ) message that contains a list of zero or more trading sessions.

It is recommended that the TradSesReqID <335> be used to provide a unique identifier for the request. This value should be returned by the counterparty in the Trading Session List messages sent in response to the request.

The Trading Session List Request follows the standard request model in providing the SubscriptionRequestType <263> field which can be used to obtain a snapshot of trading session information, subscribe for a snapshot with subsequent updates, or to unsubscribe from a previous subscription request.

Trading Session List Request


Tag Field Name Req'd Comments
Component Block - <StandardHeader> Y MsgType = BI
335 TradSesReqID Y Must be unique, or the ID of previous TradingSessionStatusRequest <g> to disable if SubscriptionRequestType <263>='2' (Disable previous Snapshot + Updates Request).
1301 MarketID N Market for which Trading Session applies
1300 MarketSegmentID N Market Segment for which Trading Session applies
336 TradingSessionID N Trading Session for which status is being requested
625 TradingSessionSubID N
207 SecurityExchange N
338 TradSesMethod N Method of Trading
339 TradSesMode N Trading Session Mode
263 SubscriptionRequestType Y
Component Block - <StandardTrailer> Y