Type: int
Type of quantity specified in a Quantity <53> field:
Valid values:
- 0 = Units (shares, par, currency)
- 1 = Contracts (if used - must specify ContractMultiplier <231>)
- 2 = Units of Measure per Time Unit (if used - must specify UnitOfMeasure <996> and TimeUnit <997>)
Used In
- <InstrmtMatchSideGrp>
- <ListOrdGrp>
- <QuotReqGrp>
- <QuotReqRjctGrp>
- <SideCrossOrdModGrp>
- IOI <6>
- Advertisement <7>
- ExecutionReport <8>
- NewOrderMultileg <AB>
- MultilegOrderCancelReplace <AC>
- TradeCaptureReport <AE>
- Confirmation <AK>
- TradeCaptureReportAck <AR>
- AllocationReport <AS>
- CollateralRequest <AX>
- CollateralAssignment <AY>
- CollateralResponse <AZ>
- CollateralReport <BA>
- CollateralInquiry <BB>
- CollateralInquiryAck <BG>
- AllocationInstructionAlert <BM>
- NewOrderSingle <D>
- OrderCancelReplaceRequest <G>
- AllocationInstruction <J>