
SecurityRiskMetricsReport <EG> is used for publishing the risk metrics, valuation metrics or analytics of one or more securities, or for an option series.


Tag Field Name Req'd Comments
Component Block - <StandardHeader> Y

MsgType <35>=EG

2988 SecurityRiskMetricsReportID Y
2989 RiskMetricsSecurityGroup N

May be used to identify the group of related instruments provided in SecurityRiskMetricGrp.

Conditionally required when RiskMetricsSecuritySubGroup <2990> is present.

2990 RiskMetricsSecuritySubGroup N

May be used with RiskMetricsSecurityGroup <2989> to provide a more granular group identification.

60 TransactTime N
Component Block - <UnderlyingInstrument> N

UnderlyingPx <810> within the component may be used when valuation calculation uses a single reference price.

2991 UnderlyingBidPx N

May be used to specify the (best) bid of the underlying instrument when valuation calculation uses real-time prices.

2992 UnderlyingOfferPx N

May be used to specify the (best) offer of the underlying instrument when valuation calculation uses real-time prices.

2993 MetricsCalculationPriceSource N
1190 RiskFreeRate N

May be used to identify the risk free rate used in the pricing model specified.

2994 AssetValuationModel N
893 LastFragment N
Component Block - <SecurityRiskMetricGrp> N
Component Block - <StandardTrailer> Y