Type: int
Reason for submission of mass action.
Valid values:
- 0 = No special reason (default)
1 = Trading risk control
General violation of trading rules. Can be used if specific reason is unavailable or must not be disclosed.
2 = Clearing risk control
General violation of clearing rules. Can be used if specific reason is unavailable or must not be disclosed.
3 = Market maker protection
Specific action taken to prevent further executions for a market maker.
4 = Stop trading
Specific action taken in conjunction with the prevention of further trading. Scope can be defined with TargetParties component.
5 = Emergency action
Specific action taken due to an emergency condition. Scope can be defined with TargetParties component.
6 = Session loss or logout
Protection of trader or firm after having lost connectivity.
7 = Duplicate login
Trader only allowed to login once.
8 = Product not traded
Product not available for trading, e.g. in a halted state.
9 = Instrument not traded
Instrument not available for trading, e.g. due to intra-day expiration.
10 = Complex instrument deleted
Removal of complex instrument, e.g. due to expiry, leading to mass action on open orders.
11 = Circuit breaker activated
Trading interruption leading to mass action on open orders.
- 99 = Other