Type: int
Identifies the data point used in the matching operation which resulted in an exception.
Valid values:
- 1 = Accrued interest
- 2 = Deal price
3 = Trade date
Tolerance not applicable
4 = Settlement date
Tolerance not applicable
5 = Side indicator
Tolerance not applicable
6 = Traded currency
Tolerance not applicable
7 = Account ID
Tolerance not applicable
8 = Executing broker ID
Tolerance not applicable
- 9 = Settlement currency and amount
10 = Investment manager ID
Tolerance not applicable
- 11 = Net amount
12 = Place of settlement
Tolerance not applicable
- 13 = Commissions
14 = Security identifier
Tolerance not applicable
- 15 = Quantity allocated
- 16 = Principal
- 17 = Fees
- 18 = Tax