Type: char
Reason for the rejection of a MarketDataRequest <V>.
Valid values:
- 0 = Unknown symbol
- 1 = Duplicate MDReqID <262>
- 2 = Insufficient Bandwidth
- 3 = Insufficient Permissions
- 4 = Unsupported SubscriptionRequestType <263>
- 5 = Unsupported MarketDepth <264>
- 6 = Unsupported MDUpdateType <265>
- 7 = Unsupported AggregatedBook <266>
- 8 = Unsupported MDEntryType <269>
- 9 = Unsupported TradingSessionID <336>
- A = Unsupported Scope <546>
- B = Unsupported OpenCloseSettlFlag <286>
- C = Unsupported MDImplicitDelete <547>
- D = Insufficient credit