Type: int
Reason(s) why RegistrationInstructions <o> has been rejected.
The reason may be further amplified in the RegistRejReasonCode field.
Valid values:
- 1 = Invalid/unacceptable Account Type
- 2 = Invalid/unacceptable Tax Exempt Type
- 3 = Invalid/unacceptable OwnershipType <517>
- 4 = Invalid/unacceptable NoRegistDtls <473>
- 5 = Invalid/unacceptable Reg Seq No
- 6 = Invalid/unacceptable RegistDtls <509>
- 7 = Invalid/unacceptable MailingDtls <474>
- 8 = Invalid/unacceptable MailingInst <482>
- 9 = Invalid/unacceptable Investor ID
- 10 = Invalid/unaceeptable Investor ID Source
- 11 = Invalid/unacceptable DateOfBirth <486>
- 12 = Invalid/unacceptable InvestorCountryOfResidence <475>
- 13 = Invalid/unacceptable NoDistribInsts <510>
- 14 = Invalid/unacceptable DistribPercentage <512>
- 15 = Invalid/unacceptable DistribPaymentMethod <477>
- 16 = Invalid/unacceptable CashDistribAgentAcctName <502>
- 17 = Invalid/unacceptable CashDistribAgentCode <499>
- 18 = Invalid/unacceptable CashDistribAgentAcctNumber <500>
- 99 = Other