Type: int
Used to identify the source of the Account <1> code. This is especially useful if the account is a new account that the Respondent may not have setup yet in their system.
Valid values:
- 1 = BIC
- 2 = SID Code
- 3 = TFM (GSPTA)
- 4 = OMGEO (Alert ID)
- 5 = DTCC Code
6 = Special Segregated Account ID
Also referred to as SPSA ID. The Special Segregated Account identifier issued by Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing..
- 99 = Other (custom or proprietary)
- or any value conforming to the data type Reserved100Plus
Used In
- <BidCompReqGrp>
- <ListOrdGrp>
- <QuotReqGrp>
- <QuotReqRjctGrp>
- <SideCrossOrdModGrp>
- <TrdCapRptAckSideGrp>
- <TrdCapRptSideGrp>
- ExecutionReport <8>
- OrderCancelReject <9>
- NewOrderMultileg <AB>
- MultilegOrderCancelReplace <AC>
- OrderMassStatusRequest <AF>
- QuoteStatusReport <AI>
- QuoteResponse <AJ>
- PositionMaintenanceRequest <AL>
- PositionMaintenanceReport <AM>
- RequestForPositions <AN>
- RequestForPositionsAck <AO>
- PositionReport <AP>
- NewOrderSingle <D>
- MassOrder <DJ>
- MassOrderAck <DK>
- OrderCancelRequest <F>
- OrderCancelReplaceRequest <G>
- OrderStatusRequest <H>
- Quote <S>
- QuoteCancel <Z>
- QuoteStatusRequest <a>
- MassQuoteAck <b>
- MassQuote <i>
- RegistrationInstructions <o>
- RegistrationInstructionsResponse <p>