Type: int
Method for booking out this order. Used when notifying a broker that an order to be settled by that broker is to be booked out as an OTC derivative (e.g. CFD or similar).
Valid values:
- 0 = Regular booking
- 1 = CFD (Contract for difference)
- 2 = Total Return Swap
Used In
- <ListOrdGrp>
- <QuotEntryAckGrp>
- <QuotEntryGrp>
- <SideCrossOrdModGrp>
- <TradeReportOrderDetail>
- ExecutionReport <8>
- NewOrderMultileg <AB>
- MultilegOrderCancelReplace <AC>
- QuoteStatusReport <AI>
- AllocationReport <AS>
- AllocationInstructionAlert <BM>
- NewOrderSingle <D>
- OrderCancelReplaceRequest <G>
- AllocationInstruction <J>
- QuoteRequest <R>
- Quote <S>