
TestScenarioGrp provides details for a collection of test cases/scenarios that makes up a test suite.

An instance of the repeating group represents a single test case/scenario. Each test case/scenario includes one or more test steps. The test case/scenario has a single status made up of one or more test measure or criteria results across the test steps of the given test case/scenario. The individual test scenario status values contribute to the success or failure status of the test suite, subject to bilateral agreement.


Tag Field Name Req'd Comments
3028 NoTestScenarios N
3029 TestScenarioID N

Required if NoTestScenarios <3028>>0.

3030 TestScenarioStatus N

Required if NoTestScenarios <3028>>0.

3031 TestScenarioStartTime N

Overall starting time of this test scenario.

3032 TestScenarioEndTime N

Overall ending time of this test scenario.

Component Block - <InstrumentScopeGrp> N

InstrumentScopeSecurityGroup <1545> may be used to reference a list of securities provided with the SecurityList <y> message.

1024 MDOriginType N
3033 MDOriginDesc N
3034 MDOriginDate N
3035 TestStepGroupID N
Component Block - <TestStepGrp> N
Component Block - <TestSystemModuleGrp> N
Component Block - <TestMeasureGrp> N

Use to provide the metrics and thresholds for the scenario identified by TestScenarioID <3029>.

Required unless TestSuiteStatus <3070>=0 (Undefined).

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