
Type: int

Reason QuoteRequest <R> was rejected.

Valid values:

  • 1 = Unknown Symbol (Security)
  • 2 = Exchange (Security) Closed
  • 3 = Quote Request Exceeds Limit
  • 4 = Too Late to enter
  • 5 = Invalid Price
  • 6 = Not Authorized To Request Quote
  • 7 = No Match For Inquiry
  • 8 = No Market For Instrument
  • 9 = No Inventory
  • 10 = Pass
  • 11 = Insufficient credit
  • 12 = Exceeded clip size limit
  • 13 = Exceeded maximum notional order amount
  • 14 = Exceeded DV01/PV01 limit
  • 15 = Exceeded CS01 limit
  • 16 = Unavailable price or liquidity

    In the context of IA FX Reject codes, Quote Rejection Category A, the RFQ is rejected due to unavailable price information.

  • 17 = Unmet regulatory requirement

    In the context of IA FX Reject codes, Quote Rejection Category B, the RFQ is rejected due to regulatory requirements not being met. For example, a RFQ is submitted into a SEF by a non-SEF participant, or an NDF was submitted into the trading platform.

  • 18 = Unknown account(s)

    In the context of IA FX Reject codes, Quote Rejection Category F, the RFQ is rejected due to the account/fund is not setup or unknown.

  • 19 = Invalid or missing entitlements

    In the context of IA FX Reject codes, Quote Rejection Category F, the RFQ is rejected due to static data when the counterparty is not authorized or has missing entitlements.

  • 99 = Other

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