Tag |
Field Name |
Req'd |
Comments |
311 |
UnderlyingSymbol |
N |
312 |
UnderlyingSymbolSfx |
N |
309 |
UnderlyingSecurityID |
N |
305 |
UnderlyingSecurityIDSource |
N |
Component Block - <UndSecAltIDGrp> |
N |
462 |
UnderlyingProduct |
N |
463 |
UnderlyingCFICode |
N |
310 |
UnderlyingSecurityType |
N |
763 |
UnderlyingSecuritySubType |
N |
313 |
UnderlyingMaturityMonthYear |
N |
542 |
UnderlyingMaturityDate |
N |
241 |
UnderlyingCouponPaymentDate |
N |
242 |
UnderlyingIssueDate |
N |
243 |
UnderlyingRepoCollateralSecurityType |
N |
244 |
UnderlyingRepurchaseTerm |
N |
245 |
UnderlyingRepurchaseRate |
N |
246 |
UnderlyingFactor |
N |
256 |
UnderlyingCreditRating |
N |
595 |
UnderlyingInstrRegistry |
N |
592 |
UnderlyingCountryOfIssue |
N |
593 |
UnderlyingStateOrProvinceOfIssue |
N |
594 |
UnderlyingLocaleOfIssue |
N |
247 |
UnderlyingRedemptionDate |
N |
316 |
UnderlyingStrikePrice |
N |
941 |
UnderlyingStrikeCurrency |
N |
317 |
UnderlyingOptAttribute |
N |
436 |
UnderlyingContractMultiplier |
N |
435 |
UnderlyingCouponRate |
N |
308 |
UnderlyingSecurityExchange |
N |
306 |
UnderlyingIssuer |
N |
362 |
EncodedUnderlyingIssuerLen |
N |
363 |
EncodedUnderlyingIssuer |
N |
307 |
UnderlyingSecurityDesc |
N |
364 |
EncodedUnderlyingSecurityDescLen |
N |
365 |
EncodedUnderlyingSecurityDesc |
N |
877 |
UnderlyingCPProgram |
N |
878 |
UnderlyingCPRegType |
N |
318 |
UnderlyingCurrency |
N |
Specific to the (not in ) |
879 |
UnderlyingQty |
N |
Specific to the (not in )
Unit amount of the underlying security (par, shares, currency, etc.)
810 |
UnderlyingPx |
N |
Specific to the (not in )
In a financing deal clean price (percent-of-par or per unit) of the underlying security or basket.
882 |
UnderlyingDirtyPrice |
N |
Specific to the (not in )
In a financing deal price (percent-of-par or per unit) of the underlying security or basket. "Dirty" means it includes
accrued interest
883 |
UnderlyingEndPrice |
N |
Specific to the (not in )
In a financing deal price (percent-of-par or per unit) of the underlying security or basket at the end of the agreement.
884 |
UnderlyingStartValue |
N |
Specific to the (not in )
Currency value attributed to this collateral at the start of the agreement
885 |
UnderlyingCurrentValue |
N |
Specific to the (not in )
Currency value currently attributed to this collateral
886 |
UnderlyingEndValue |
N |
Specific to the (not in )
Currency value attributed to this collateral at the end of the agreement
Component Block - <UnderlyingStipulations> |
N |
Specific to the (not in )
Insert here the contents of the Component Block
972 |
UnderlyingAllocationPercent |
N |
Specific to the Percent of the Strike Price that this underlying represents. Necessary for derivatives that deliver into
more than one underlying instrument.
975 |
UnderlyingSettlementType |
N |
Specific to the Indicates order settlement period for the underlying deliverable component. |
973 |
UnderlyingCashAmount |
N |
Specific to the Cash amount associated with the underlying component. Necessary for derivatives that deliver into more than
one underlying instrument and one of the underlying's is a fixed cash value.
974 |
UnderlyingCashType |
N |
Specific to the Used for derivatives that deliver into cash underlying. Indicates that the cash is either fixed or difference
value (difference between strike and current underlying price)
998 |
UnderlyingUnitOfMeasure |
N |
1000 |
UnderlyingTimeUnit |
N |
Used to indicate a time unit for the contract (e.g., days, weeks, months, etc.) |
1038 |
UnderlyingCapValue |
N |
Component Block - <UndlyInstrumentParties> |
N |
1039 |
UnderlyingSettlMethod |
N |
1044 |
UnderlyingAdjustedQuantity |
N |
Specific to the (not in ). For listed derivatives margin management, this is the number of shares adjusted for upcoming
corporate action. Used only for securities which are optionable and are between ex-date and settlement date (4 days).
1045 |
UnderlyingFXRate |
N |
Specific to the (not in ). Foreign exchange rate used to compute UnderlyingCurrentValue (885) (or market value) from UnderlyingCurrency
(318) to Currency (15).
1046 |
UnderlyingFXRateCalc |
N |
Specific to the (not in ). Specified whether UnderlyingFxRate (1045) should be multiplied or divided to derive UnderlyingCurrentValue
1213 |
UnderlyingMaturityTime |
N |
315 |
UnderlyingPutOrCall |
N |
Used to express option right |
1419 |
UnderlyingExerciseStyle |
N |
1423 |
UnderlyingUnitOfMeasureQty |
N |
1424 |
UnderlyingPriceUnitOfMeasure |
N |
1425 |
UnderlyingPriceUnitOfMeasureQty |
N |
1437 |
UnderlyingContractMultiplierUnit |
N |
1441 |
UnderlyingFlowScheduleType |
N |
1453 |
UnderlyingRestructuringType |
N |
1454 |
UnderlyingSeniority |
N |
1455 |
UnderlyingNotionalPercentageOutstanding |
N |
1456 |
UnderlyingOriginalNotionalPercentageOutstanding |
N |
1459 |
UnderlyingAttachmentPoint |
N |
1460 |
UnderlyingDetachmentPoint |
N |