FIX 5.0 : <TrdCapRptAckSideGrp> component block

Structure | Used In


No specific description is available.


Tag Field Name Req'd Comments
552 NoSides Y Number of Side repeating group instances.
=> 54 Side Y
=> 37 OrderID N
=> 198 SecondaryOrderID N
=> 11 ClOrdID N
=> 526 SecondaryClOrdID N
=> 66 ListID N
=> Component Block - <Parties> N Insert here here the set of "Parties" fields defined in "Common Components of Application Messages"
=> 1 Account N
=> 660 AcctIDSource N
=> 581 AccountType N
=> 81 ProcessCode N
=> 575 OddLot N
=> Component Block - <ClrInstGrp> N
=> 578 TradeInputSource N
=> 579 TradeInputDevice N
=> 821 OrderInputDevice N
=> 15 Currency N
=> 376 ComplianceID N
=> 377 SolicitedFlag N
=> 528 OrderCapacity N
=> 529 OrderRestrictions N
=> 582 CustOrderCapacity N
=> 40 OrdType N
=> 18 ExecInst N
=> 483 TransBkdTime N
=> 336 TradingSessionID N
=> 625 TradingSessionSubID N
=> 943 TimeBracket N
=> Component Block - <CommissionData> N Insert here here the set of "Commission Data" fields defined in "Common Components of Application Messages"
=> 157 NumDaysInterest N
=> 230 ExDate N
=> 158 AccruedInterestRate N
=> 159 AccruedInterestAmt N
=> 738 InterestAtMaturity N
=> 920 EndAccruedInterestAmt N
=> 921 StartCash N
=> 922 EndCash N
=> 238 Concession N
=> 237 TotalTakedown N
=> 118 NetMoney N
=> 119 SettlCurrAmt N
=> 120 SettlCurrency N
=> 155 SettlCurrFxRate N
=> 156 SettlCurrFxRateCalc N
=> 77 PositionEffect N
=> 752 SideMultiLegReportingType N
=> Component Block - <ContAmtGrp> N
=> Component Block - <Stipulations> N Insert here here the set of "Stipulations" fields defined in "Common Components of Application Messages"
=> Component Block - <MiscFeesGrp> N
=> 825 ExchangeRule N
=> 826 TradeAllocIndicator N
=> 591 PreallocMethod N
=> 70 AllocID N
=> Component Block - <TrdAllocGrp> N
=> 1093 LotType N
=> 1072 SideGrossTradeAmt N
=> 1057 AggressorIndicator N
=> 1009 SideQty N
=> 1005 SideTradeReportID N
=> 1006 SideFillStationCd N
=> 1007 SideReasonCd N
=> 83 RptSeq N
=> 1008 SideTrdSubTyp N
=> Component Block - <SideTrdRegTS> N

Used In