
List of option securities on an underlying with related calculations (e.g. theoretical valuations, implied volatilities, and other hedge statistics).


Tag Field Name Req'd Comments
2995 NoSecurityRiskMetrics N
Component Block - <Instrument> N

Required when NoSecurityRiskMetrics <2995> > 0.

811 PriceDelta N
2996 Gamma N
2997 Rho N
2998 Theta N
2999 Vega N
44 Price N

May be used for the theoretical (e.g. option) price of the security.

132 BidPx N

May be used to specify the security's top of book bid price, if available, used in the metric calculation.

133 OfferPx N

May be used to specify the security's top of book offer price, if available, used in the metric calculation.

3000 VolatilityTime N
1188 Volatility N
3001 BidVolatility N
3002 OfferVolatility N
3003 MidVolatility N
Component Block - <RelativeValueGrp> N

May be used for other types of valuation metrics or analytics.

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