OnixS directConnect
ICE FIX Order Entry (ICE OS) Handler SDK
The OnixS directConnect: ICE FIX Order Entry Handler SDK provides ultra-low latency to ICE FIX Order Server (FIX OS) for real-time order information.
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- OnixS directConnect
- ICE FIX Order Server
Main features
- Pre-certified with ICE
- Easy-to-use and flexible API
- Security definitions and user-defined strategies
- Real time order notifications
- Order cancellation
- Built-in SSL encryption
- Session Maintenance (Logon Request, Logon Response, Session Level Reject, Sequence gaps fill process, Test Requests and Heartbeats)
- Connectivity Management (detection of network failures and automated reconnect)
- Built-in Scheduler (Session Reset every trading day during maintenance window, Logon and Logout, etc.)
- Multiple Sessions could be supported simultaneously
- Up-to-date ICE Trading FIX 4.2 dialect (interface specific interpretation of the FIX Protocol)
- Based on low latency OnixS FIX Engine
- Comprehensive Getting Started sample
Supported Application Message Types
Request Messages
- Security Definition Request
- New Order — Single
- New Order — List
- New Order — Cross
- Order Cancel/Replace Request
- Order Cancel Request
- Allocation
- Mass Quote
- Quote Cancel
- Business Message Reject
- Trader Login
- Trader Logout
Response Messages
- Security Definition
- Execution Report
- Allocation Ack
- Quote Acknowledgment
- Business Message Reject
- News
- Trader Login Response
- Trader Logout Response
- User Defined Strategy
Supported Order Types
- Market
- Fill and Kill (Immediate or Cancel)
- Fill or Kill
- Stop Limit
- Stop Market (with Protection)
- Reserve Quantity (Iceberg orders)
- Day
- GTC (Good 'Til Cancel)
- GTD (Good 'Til Date)
ICE FIX Order Entry (ICE OS) Handler SDK
The OnixS directConnect: ICE FIX Order Entry Handler SDK includes:
- OnixS FIX Engine library
- ICE venue specific FIX Dictionary dialect variant
- Documentation
- Fast-start reference implementation source code sample client application