
OnixS Licensing Terms

OnixS SDK licensing terms are specified on a master OnixS Software Services Agreement with the specific OnixS SDK licenses on associated Order Form(s) executed under that master agreement.

OnixS licensing terms include:

  • OnixS SDK products are licensed on a term based (typically annual) subscription fee basis. This fee is all inclusive of the software license, maintenance support, updates and upgrades.
  • This subscription is based on a per production deployment usage license. There are no additional costs for development, test, UAT and DR licenses that exist in support of the production deployment licenses.
  • The commercial license period starts when you have deployed the OnixS SDK into production live use. There are no costs while you are in development mode. This ensures that your and OnixS's objectives are aligned to get you into production.
  • OnixS support C++ implementations on Windows, RedHat, CentOS (and other Linux distributions), Java implementations, as well as the  .NET Framework and .NET Core implementations, and the license includes the option to migrate between code bases and platforms.
  • OnixS maintain a Multi-Licensee Software Escrow master escrow agreement and associated source code vault deposits with the NCC Group. The standard OnixS Software Services Agreement licensing terms include the right for OnixS SDK licensees to register as a beneficiary under this tri-party escrow agreement. This is like an insurance policy for business critical infrastructure that both parties expect to never claim on, but provides necessary vendor business continuity reassurance.


OnixS Support Services

The OnixS Software Services Agreement includes priority based service level agreements for remedial support as well as updates and upgrades.
  • The OnixS Support team ensures that availability of our support services matches the applicable operational requirements and market trading windows of OnixS customers, and hence the production availability of all OnixS products. The applicable maintenance services are provided by OnixS for the SDK under the terms of a formal Software Services Agreement with service events being categorised based on the required service levels agreements.

Need more information?

If your would like more information about OnixS financial protocol SDK offerings and how we license and support them, then please Contact Us here