[CPP-478 ] - Session::getState() should be renamed to Session::state()
[CPP-479 ] - Session::getEncryptionMethod() should be renamed to Session::encryptionMethod()
[CPP-480 ] - Session::setEncryptionMethod(..) should be renamed to Session::encryptionMethod(..)
[CPP-481 ] - Session::getListenPort() should be renamed to Session::listenPort()
[CPP-482 ] - Session::setListenPort() should be renamed to Session::listenPort(..)
[CPP-483 ] - Session::getLocalNetworkInterface() should be renamed to Session::localNetworkInterface()
[CPP-484 ] - Session::setLocalNetworkInterface(..) should be renamed to Session::localNetworkInterface(..)
[CPP-485 ] - Session::getTcpNoDelayOption() should be renamed to Session::tcpNoDelayOption()
[CPP-486 ] - Session::getReasonableTransmissionTime() should be renamed to Session::reasonableTransmissionTime()
[CPP-487 ] - Session::setReasonableTransmissionTime() should be renamed to Session::reasonableTransmissionTime(..)
[CPP-489 ] - Session::setSslCertificateFile() should be renamed to Session::sslCertificateFile(..)
[CPP-490 ] - Session::setSslPrivateKeyFile() should be renamed to Session::sslPrivateKeyFile(..)
[CPP-491 ] - Session::setSslPrivateKeyPassword() should be renamed to Session::sslPrivateKeyPassword(..)
[CPP-492 ] - Session::getStorageID() should be renamed to Session::storageId()
[CPP-493 ] - Session::getCounterpartyHost() should be renamed to Session::counterpartyHost()
[CPP-494 ] - Session::getCounterpartyIpAddress() should be renamed to Session::counterpartyIpAddress()
[CPP-495 ] - Session::getCounterpartyPort() should be renamed to Session::counterpartyPort()
[CPP-496 ] - Session::getCustomKey() should be renamed to Session::customKey()
[CPP-497 ] - Session::getOutboundQueueBytes() should be renamed to Session::outboundQueueBytes()
[CPP-498 ] - Session::getOutboundQueueCount() should be renamed to Session::outboundQueueCount()
[CPP-499 ] - Session::getHeartBtInt() should be renamed to Session::heartbeatIntervalSec()
[CPP-500 ] - Session::getLogInboundMessages() should be renamed to Session::logInboundMessages()
[CPP-501 ] - Session::setLogInboundMessages(..) should be renamed to Session::logInboundMessages(..)
[CPP-502 ] - Session::setLogOutboundMessages(..) should be renamed to Session::logOutboundMessages(..)
[CPP-503 ] - Session::getLogOutboundMessages() should be renamed to Session::logOutboundMessages()
[CPP-504 ] - 'Session::SessionStorageType enum' should be renamed to 'SessionStorageType struct'
[CPP-505 ] - 'Session::State enum' should be renamed to 'SessionState struct'
[CPP-506 ] - 'Session::EncryptionMethod enum' should be renamed to 'EncryptionMethod struct'
[CPP-507 ] - ConnectionMode stuct should be moved to its own *.h file
[CPP-508 ] - 'Session::Role enum' should be renamed to 'SessionRole struct'
[CPP-509 ] - 'Version enum' should be renamed to 'ProtocolVersion struct'
[CPP-510 ] - 'ISessionListener::ErrorReason enum' should be renamed to 'SessionErrorReason struct'
[CPP-511 ] - 'ISessionListener::WarningReason enum' should be renamed to 'SessionWarningReason struct'
[CPP-512 ] - Session::setInboundMessageLogFilter(..) should be renamed to Session::inboundMessageLogFilter(..)
[CPP-513 ] - Session::getInboundMessageLogFilter() should be renamed to Session::inboundMessageLogFilter()
[CPP-514 ] - Session::setOutboundMessageLogFilter(..) should be renamed to Session::outboundMessageLogFilter(..)
[CPP-515 ] - Session::getOutboundMessageLogFilter() should be renamed to Session::outboundMessageLogFilter()
[CPP-516 ] - Session::getInSeqNum() should be renamed to Session::inSeqNum()
[CPP-517 ] - Session::setInSeqNum(..) should be renamed to Session::inSeqNum(..)
[CPP-518 ] - Session::setOutSeqNum(..) should be renamed to Session::outSeqNum(..)
[CPP-519 ] - Session::getOutSeqNum() should be renamed to Session::outSeqNum()
[CPP-520 ] - Session::getReceivingThreadId() method should be removed
[CPP-521 ] - Session::setResendRequestMaximumRange(..) should be renamed to Session::resendRequestMaximumRange(..)
[CPP-522 ] - Session::getResendRequestMaximumRange() should be renamed to Session::resendRequestMaximumRange()
[CPP-523 ] - Session::getSendingThreadId() method should be removed
[CPP-524 ] - Session::getRole() should be renamed to Session::role()
[CPP-525 ] - Session::getSenderCompID() should be renamed to Session::senderCompId()
[CPP-526 ] - Session::getSpecifyLastMsgSeqNumProcessedField() should be renamed to Session::specifyLastMsgSeqNumProcessedField()
[CPP-527 ] - Session::setSpecifyLastMsgSeqNumProcessedField(..) should be renamed to Session::specifyLastMsgSeqNumProcessedField(..)
[CPP-528 ] - Session::getTargetCompID() should be renamed to Session::targetCompId()
[CPP-529 ] - Session::getVersion() should be renamed to Session::version()
[CPP-532 ] - Session::senderSubID(..) should be renamed to Session::senderSubId(..)
[CPP-533 ] - Session::targetSubID(..) should be renamed to Session::targetSubId(..)
[CPP-534 ] - Session::setSenderLocationId(..) should be renamed to Session::senderLocationId(..)
[CPP-535 ] - Session::targetLocationID(..) should be renamed to Session::targetLocationId(..)
[CPP-536 ] - TcpClient::setNoDelay(..) should be renamed to TcpClient::noDelay(..)
[CPP-537 ] - TcpClient::getNoDelay() should be renamed to TcpClient::noDelay()
[CPP-538 ] - EngineSettings::processDeliverToCompID() should be renamed to EngineSettings::processDeliverToCompId()
[CPP-539 ] - Engine::getListenPort() should be renamed to Engine::listenPort()
[CPP-540 ] - Engine::getLogDirectory() should be renamed to Engine::logDirectory()
[CPP-541 ] - Engine::getLicenseExpirationDate() should be renamed to Engine::licenseExpirationDate()
[CPP-542 ] - Engine::isInitialized() should be renamed to Engine::initialized()
[CPP-543 ] - 'const' modifier should be removed from the 'message' argument of ISessionListener::onInboundApplicationMsg(..) callback method
[CPP-556 ] - Message::toString() behavior updated.
[CPP-558 ] - No references to internal std::string object is returned any more by Message and Group/GroupInstance classes.
[CPP-559 ] - FieldSet::get() member returns reference to read-only field value instead of std::string object.
[CPP-560 ] - Dialect class merged with Dictionary
[CPP-562 ] - Behavior of FieldSet::get() members has been changed.
[CPP-563 ] - FieldSet::remove() member renamed to FieldSet::erase() to be more natural.
[CPP-565 ] - Group class refactored
[CPP-566 ] - Message::parse() members signature was changed.
[CPP-567 ] - Message compare does NOT update values of BodyLength and CheckSum fields any more.
[CPP-568 ] - Decimal class refactored.
[CPP-570 ] - Message::setV(..) members added to save field value type.
[CPP-572 ] - Message::version() member is eliminated
[CPP-573 ] - Selected OnixS::FIX::Message fields where renamed.
[CPP-574 ] - Message::reset() renamed to Message::clear().
[CPP-575 ] - Message::updateCheckSum is eliminated.
[CPP-576 ] - RawMessage class and Message::toRaw() member added to expose FIX compliant serialization.
[CPP-580 ] - Message class refactored
[CPP-581 ] - OnixS::FIX::Scheduling::SessionDurations renamed to OnixS::FIX::Scheduling::SessionDuration.
[CPP-582 ] - OnixS::FIX::Scheduling::SequenceNumberResetPolicies renamed to OnixS::FIX::Scheduling::SequenceNumberResetPolicy.
[CPP-583 ] - OnixS::FIX::Scheduling::DaysOfWeek renamed to OnixS::FIX::Scheduling::DayOfWeek.
[CPP-584 ] - Timestamp class refactored
[CPP-591 ] - Settings::dialect(..) should be renamed to Settings::dictionaryFile(..)
[CPP-593 ] - Parser Benchmark should use FIX Dictionary file.
[CPP-594 ] - EngineSettings::automaticallyCreatedSessionStorageType(..) method should be removed
New Feature
[CPP-438 ] - ISessionListener::onReceivedBytes(const byte*, size_t, Session *session)
[CPP-469 ] - Possibility to timestamp the message as it comes in the NIC
[CPP-488 ] - Sesision::receiveSpinningTimeoutUsec(Int32 usec) method
[CPP-530 ] - Session::receivingThreadAffinity(const CpuIndexes& cpuIndexes) method
[CPP-531 ] - Session::sendingThreadAffinity(const CpuIndexes& cpuIndexes) method
[CPP-557 ] - StringRef class added.
[CPP-561 ] - FieldSet class added to encapsulate field-related operations in FIX message and repeating group instances.
[CPP-564 ] - FieldValueRef class added to encapsulate concept of FIX field value.
[CPP-569 ] - const std::string FIX::Core::Messaging::Message::toString() method
[CPP-577 ] - Number parsing functionality is added.
[CPP-578 ] - Timestamp::toString() and Timestamp::parse() enhanced with support of timestamp formats.
[CPP-579 ] - GroupInstance class added to encapsulate access to FIX fields of single repeating group instance.
[CPP-586 ] - Multiple session listeners