New Feature
[CPP-1195 ] - IEngineListener::onError(..) callback
[CPP-1194 ] - IEngineListener::onWarning(..) callback
[CPP-1186 ] - Engine::dictionaries() method
[CPP-1175 ] - EngineSettings::licenseString() method
[CPP-1144 ] - Direct support of QuickFIX Data Dictionary XML files
[CPP-1104 ] - High Throughput Best Practices section should be added to Programming Guide
[CPP-971 ] - Option to specify custom thread names
[CPP-1171 ] - serviceThreadAffinity() should be a member of EngineSettings class.
[CPP-1154 ] - EngineSettings::localNetworkInterface(const LocalNetworkInterface&) method
[CPP-1153 ] - EngineSettings::localInterface() should be renamed to EngineSettings::localNetworkInterface()
[CPP-1136 ] - Add ConnectionMode and ThreadPoolSize to "Complete reference of configuration options" page
[CPP-1117 ] - CODE BREAKING CHANGE: EngineListener::onUnknownIncomingConnection callback signature should be changed
[CPP-1102 ] - Throughput sample should use SerializedMessage
[CPP-1101 ] - Latency sample should use SerializedMessage
[CPP-711 ] - QuickFIX Dialect files should be detected.
[CPP-555 ] - Code sample should be added to "Resending Messages" section