Written by Admin | Apr 16, 2014 12:00:00 AM
New Feature
- [CPP-1510] - Stream output operator should be added to StringRef
- [CPP-1509] - StringRef FieldValueRef::toStringRef() const method
- [CPP-1492] - TimeSpan class
- [CPP-1486] - EngineSettings::validateDuplicatedField(..) and Session::validateDuplicatedField(..) methods
- [CPP-1414] - void Engine::addSessionDictionary(dictionaryFile)
- [CPP-1412] - "SSL Troubleshooting" sub-section should be added to Programming Guide
- [CPP-1382] - Session::reportNewMessagesWhileWaitingForMissedMessages(bool report) method
- [CPP-1348] - A way to determine whether message is session level or appl level according to the dictionary
- [CPP-998] - Asynchronous File Based Storage
- [CPP-1498] - Reject should be sent for messages with duplicated fields
- [CPP-1494] - Timestamp& Timestamp::operator -= (const TimeSpan&)
- [CPP-1493] - Timestamp& Timestamp::operator += (const TimeSpan&)
- [CPP-1469] - CODE BREAKING CHANGE: BREAKING CHANGE: void Session::heartbeatIntervalSec(int seconds) should be removed
- [CPP-1439] - void Engine::addSessionDictionaryFromString(dialectString)
- [CPP-1436] - "How can I tell what the latency from the last byte on the wire to when I get the onIncomingApplicationMessage() callback?" should be added to FAQ section
- [CPP-1415] - Describe dialect modes in details
- [CPP-1221] - Reject should be sent for messages with invalid repeating group
- [CPP-1177] - Update to the latest FIX dialect schema
- [CPP-787] - Connection's customLogonMessage attribute example should be added to "Predefined Schedules and Connection Settings" section of Programming Guide
- [CPP-1457] - Cannot use Session::receiveSpinningTimeoutUsec(..) for acceptor sessions
- [CPP-1442] - logDirectory() when called from Engine comes back empty
- [CPP-1390] - Update dictionary scheme and dialects files in engine samples to use new scheme version.
- [CPP-1380] - "Message Validation" sub-section should be added to Programming Guide