[CPP-2415 ] - Add an information about Session::send method behavior in the disconnected state
[CPP-2395 ] - Improve the handling of Session::logout() from inbound callbacks
[CPP-2392 ] - Add information about Tick-to-Trade latency measurement to FAQ
[CPP-2379 ] - "Failover" section should be added to Programming Guide
[CPP-2378 ] - Market Segment Gateway failover logic should be added to CME Trading Client reference implementation
[CPP-2358 ] - Describe the Component Block in the Editing Dictionaries Descriptions page
[CPP-2355 ] - Add information about the internal warning to FAQ
[CPP-2340 ] - Use '-' separator in Reject Reason field instead of ','
[CPP-2338 ] - Update ICAP EBS Ai FIX Trading Client sample to 1.9 specification
[CPP-2326 ] - Add a note that the custom Logon from logonAsInitiator is used during reconnection
[CPP-2324 ] - Add information about trailing zeros of decimal values
[CPP-2316 ] - Add question about "Cannot transform Double value into decimal" exception to FAQ
[CPP-2304 ] - Support sequence gap before logout response
[CPP-2302 ] - Improve EbsSpotAiTradingClient sample
[CPP-2288 ] - Support ICE FIX Order Routing v3.4.10
[CPP-2238 ] - Add more details about the "ThreadPool" connection mode
[CPP-2221 ] - Thread options support for SSL sessions
[CPP-2411 ] - Scheduler does not work properly when the Scheduler.utcTimeUsage property is true
[CPP-2410 ] - Scheduler does not work properly when the LocalTimeUsage FIX Engine setting is true
[CPP-2397 ] - Message Grouping property is not being set for acceptor session
[CPP-2247 ] - Sequence gap state is not reset in case of an exception during processing of incoming message
New Feature
[CPP-2402 ] - Add the "async" parameter to Session::logout(..) methods
[CPP-2372 ] - CME TradingClient update - new Nanosecond Timestamp field (tag 5979-RequestTime)
[CPP-2371 ] - Add MessageFieldsIteration sample
[CPP-2357 ] - Iterator for Message/Group classes
[CPP-2353 ] - Session::resetLocalSequenceNumbersOnLogon
[CPP-2323 ] - SessionScheduler::utcTimeUsage
[CPP-2306 ] - BREAKING CHANGE: SessionScheduler::reconnectAttempts and SessionScheduler::reconnectInterval settings
[CPP-2294 ] - "Venue Specific Settings" pages
[CPP-2277 ] - ThisThread::id
[CPP-2276 ] - ThisThread::policy
[CPP-2275 ] - ThisThread::priority
[CPP-2274 ] - EngineSettings::serviceThreadPolicy
[CPP-2273 ] - EngineSettings::serviceThreadPriority
[CPP-2234 ] - Session::considerRejectOnResendRequestAsGapFill(bool value) method
[CPP-2223 ] - Zero-Copy Feature
[CPP-2217 ] - OnixS::FIX::Session::sendSpinningTimeoutUsec(..)