[CPP-2520 ] - Describe two options of the resend functionality when the sequence gap is detected
[CPP-2519 ] - Remove the library initialization issue
[CPP-2511 ] - All log errors/warnings should trigger corresponding error/warning callbacks
[CPP-2510 ] - Restart the system call if it is returned with the EINTR error due to the interruption by a Linux signal
[CPP-2506 ] - Introduce ExceptionInEventHandler session error reason
[CPP-2490 ] - "PrettyPrint" sample should use iterators
[CPP-2486 ] - Add "Why is the outgoing buffer in the onMessageSending callback equals to NULL for SerializedMessage objects?" question to FAQ
[CPP-2465 ] - Ignore field duplicates in QuickFIX dictionaries
[CPP-2461 ] - Add "Using QuickFIX dictionaries" page
[CPP-2453 ] - Improve the Latency Benchmark sample
[CPP-2449 ] - ThisThread::affinity(const CpuIndex cpuIndex)
[CPP-2448 ] - EngineSettings::asyncFileBasedStorageThreadAffinity(const CpuIndex cpuIndex)
[CPP-2445 ] - Add “Understanding Send Latency” page
[CPP-2436 ] - FieldSet::set methods should not validate unknown fields
[CPP-2433 ] - Add information about MSGW to the "CME Specific Settings" page
New Feature
[CPP-2504 ] - ResendingMessages sample
[CPP-2479 ] - Session::sendAsIs(SerializedMessage*)
[CPP-2456 ] - Update the ICE Trading Client sample in accordance with ICE FIX OS Reference Manual - 3.5
[CPP-2454 ] - ThisThread::spinWait(int microseconds)
[CPP-2447 ] - SerializedMessage::toString() method
[CPP-2422 ] - Add setters for TimeSpan values to the SerializedMessage class
[CPP-2146 ] - Add getter/setter for TimeSpan values to the FieldSet class
[CPP-599 ] - Message::copyFields(const Message&)
[CPP-2493 ] - Infinite recursive call when a Logout message is received in replay to the Resend Request message