New Feature
[CPP-2719 ] - Support for Visual Studio 2017
[CPP-2717 ] - BREAKING CHANGE: Changing of the library name
[CPP-2705 ] - Support ICE FIX Order Routing v4.0
[CPP-2678 ] - Session::sendingTimeFormat(TimestampFormat::Enum format)
[CPP-2635 ] - License file expiration alerting and warnings
[CPP-2624 ] - Session::socketOptions(..)
[CPP-2612 ] - Support the pico second timestamps that are required by MiFID II
[CPP-2596 ] - Support ICE FIX Order Routing v3.6
[CPP-2687 ] - Avoid unnecessary calls of the time service on the sending path
[CPP-2665 ] - Add information about string constant and typed constant values
[CPP-2656 ] - Add default values for setting members of classes
[CPP-2641 ] - Store small text values more efficiently
[CPP-2639 ] - Add information about the delay between Wireshark and FIX Engine logs timestamps
[CPP-2630 ] - BREAKING CHANGE: Redesign Timestamp/TimeSpan headers
[CPP-2623 ] - Session::sendResendRequest(..) should throw an Exception if EndSeqNum is less than BeginSeqNum
[CPP-2621 ] - Add a question about "Cannot logon: after sending the initial Logon message the telecommunication link error is detected" error to FAQ
[CPP-2598 ] - Optimization of messages extraction from the session storage
[CPP-2595 ] - Improve the Solarflare Onload Features page
[CPP-2586 ] - Add information about how TLS/SSL version is chosen when TLS/SSL encryption is used