Written by Admin | Nov 30, 2021 10:47:50 AM
- [ILINKBOECPP-799] - Crash after unsuccessful start in TCPDirect mode
- [ILINKBOECPP-798] - Crash after unsuccessful reconnect in TCPDirect mode
- [ILINKBOECPP-786] - The "Processed Entries" field is wrongly filled from the CxlQuantity tag instead of TotalAffectedOrders
- [ILINKBOECPP-756] - Order reject reason field value appears in Source of Cancellation but not in Reject Reason field
- [ILINKBOECPP-741] - FileBased storage does not save PreviousSeqNum correctly
- [ILINKBOECPP-785] - The AuditTrailGenerator should produce a single record for OrderMassActionReport if the NoAffectedOrders group is empty
- [ILINKBOECPP-776] - Add missed articles for the "Scheduling Sessions for Automatic Connection"
- [ILINKBOECPP-739] - Consider the reasonable transmission time while sending the Sequence heartbeat
- [ILINKBOECPP-732] - Add "Reduce the probability of message fragmentation across multiple TCP packets" article
New Feature
- [ILINKBOECPP-600] - Add an ability to send messages with different types in a batch