[CPP-3282 ] - Add a note about the specificity of the Session.ResendingQueueSize property
[CPP-3281 ] - Improve the "Troubleshooting" page of "TLS/SSL Encryption" section
[CPP-3238 ] - Optimize the deserialization of large incoming messages
[CPP-3235 ] - Avoid compilation warnings about std::auto_ptr in samples
[CPP-3226 ] - Split the Samples solution into Getting Started, Benchmarks, and Advanced
[CPP-3221 ] - Remove out of order logging in the .summary log file
[CPP-3184 ] - Optimize memory usage for dictionaries with big tag numbers
[CPP-3183 ] - Add information about Developer Toolset used for building on Linux
[CPP-3161 ] - BREAKING CHANGE: Rename Version::major()/Version::minor() to Version::majorNumber()/Version::minorNumber()
[CPP-3160 ] - Public API headers should be self-contained
[CPP-3096 ] - Describe an approach for asynchronous processing of incoming messages
[CPP-2994 ] - Checking field presence sub-section should be added to Programming Guide
[CPP-3278 ] - Wrong resend request detection when NextExpectedMsgSeqNum tag is used
New Feature
[CPP-3275 ] - Add expectedMessageSize parameter to Message class constructors
[CPP-3271 ] - Introduce ExpectedIncomingMessageSize setting
[CPP-3232 ] - Add the ThreadSafePool class to the public threading framework
[CPP-3231 ] - Add the ThreadSafeQueue class to the public threading framework
[CPP-3230 ] - Add the Thread class to the public threading framework
[CPP-3223 ] - Introduce the LogBeforeSending setting
[CPP-3186 ] - Add FIX50SP2EP233 dictionary to base dialects folder
[CPP-3097 ] - Add a sample to demonstrate an approach for asynchronous processing of incoming messages
[CPP-3036 ] - BREAKING CHANGE: Asynchronous Logon/Logout methods should return AsyncResult objects
[CPP-3035 ] - Add Promise/SharedFuture classes to the public threading framework