[CPP-3509 ] - FieldSet::getTimestamp(..) without the format parameter
[CPP-3506 ] - Replace FIX50SP2EP233 dictionary to more recent FIX50SP2EP257 in base dialects folder
[CPP-3474 ] - Add the "Message Throttling" section to the Programming Guide
[CPP-3470 ] - BREAKING CHANGE: Replace bool conversion operator of FieldSet/Group classes to the explicit valid() method
[CPP-3457 ] - The Session::sendResendRequestOnEachMessageGap setting should affect session-level messages too
[CPP-3449 ] - Do not perform the TCP connect under the session's lock during the Session::logonAsInitiator(..) call
[CPP-3424 ] - Support new datatypes from the latest EP
[CPP-3409 ] - BREAKING CHANGE: Rename ConnectionMode to ThreadingModel
[CPP-3349 ] - Avoid settings explicit application version fields (ApplVerID(1128), ApplExtID(1156), CstmApplVerID(1129)) on Session Level Messages
[CPP-3476 ] - Session state does not move to "Disconnected" after the telecommunication link error in some cases
[CPP-3407 ] - The sporadical "connection closing process is not finished after the internal timeout" warning
New Feature
[CPP-3469 ] - Engine::settings()
[CPP-3456 ] - Session::resendTimeout
[CPP-3403 ] - BREAKING CHANGE: Method chaining
[CPP-3272 ] - Add password scrambling functionality
[CPP-3193 ] - Ability to monitor host switching in the scheduler
[CPP-823 ] - Strongly Typed Messages