Written by Admin | Mar 18, 2019 11:54:15 AM
New Feature
- [DOTNET-2899] - New FIX Engine generation
- [DOTNET-2888] - EngineSettings.ReportNewMessagesWhileWaitingForMissedMessages property
- [DOTNET-2847] - Engine.SynchronizeHighResolutionTimeServiceWithSystemTime()
- [DOTNET-2817] - Allow to add listen port(s) after the FIX Engine initialization with ListenPort=0
- [DOTNET-2788] - Session.ReconnectInterval property
- [DOTNET-2787] - Session.ReconnectAttempts property
- [DOTNET-2786] - EngineSettings.SpecifyLastMsgSeqNumProcessed property
- [DOTNET-2784] - EngineSettings.ResendRequestMaximumRange Property
- [DOTNET-2781] - Scheduler.SessionDesiredState(Session)
- [DOTNET-2710] - Add the "async" parameter to Session.LogonAsInitiator(..) methods
- [DOTNET-2874] - The sequence number of an unexpected incoming message in reply on Logon should NOT be stored in the storage.
- [DOTNET-2871] - Session.ListenPort option should accept listen ports, which are added after the FIX Engine initialization
- [DOTNET-2870] - Session.ListenPort option should accept ssl listen ports
- [DOTNET-2858] - BREAKING CHANGE: Rename Session.SpecifyLastMsgSeqNumProcessedField into Session.SpecifyLastMsgSeqNumProcessed
- [DOTNET-2840] - The internal high-resolution time service should use GetSystemTimePreciseAsFileTime function on Windows.
- [DOTNET-2837] - BREAKING CHANGE: Fix standard names of tags and values
- [DOTNET-2792] - Fix Exception description in FieldSet getters documentation
- [DOTNET-2770] - Scheduler should use the HighResolutionTimestamp class to determine current time points
- [DOTNET-2635] - Add a note to the documentation about a possible security issue with the obfuscator
- [DOTNET-2624] - Migrate .NET Framework 4.7 to the latest version .NET Framework 4.7.2
- [DOTNET-2478] - FieldSet.GetTimestamp(..) should use a value length to select a suitable format parser if a format is not specified
- [DOTNET-2034] - Start menu in Windows products should contain one level for Windows 10 compatibility