T7 FIX LF interface

The T7 FIX LF interface is available for both the T7 Cash (Xetra) and T7 Derivatives (Eurex, EEX) Markets with trading sessions and back-office trade notifications/Drop Copy functionality based on industry standard TCP/IP, FIX 4.4 protocol standards based messaging and FIX session protocol.

The T7 FIX LF interface is, as implied in the naming, a higher latency API than the T7 ETI interface (i.e. slower). The advantage is that it is based on FIX protocol standards therefore supportable via usage of a FIX Engine SDK therefore quicker to implement and maintain that a low latency ETI interface.

The OnixS FIX Engine products are high speed implementations of the Financial Information Exchange (FIX) Protocol in .NET / C#, C++ and Java, specially designed for mission critical, ultra low-latency, high frequency trading infrastructure and application frameworks.

The OnixS FIX Engine SDK implementations for T7 FIX LF provide:

  • Support for the T7 FIX LF FIX Dialect variants for Cash and Derivative markets.
  • Developer fast-start reference implementation source code samples for the T7 FIX LF API.

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