Tag |
Field Name |
Req'd |
Comments |
<MessageHeader> |
Y |
MsgType <35> = B
42 |
OrigTime |
N |
61 |
Urgency |
N |
148 |
Headline |
Y |
Specifies the headline text
358 |
EncodedHeadlineLen |
N |
Must be set if EncodedHeadline <359> field is specified and must immediately precede it.
359 |
EncodedHeadline |
N |
Encoded (non-ASCII characters) representation of the Headline <148> field in the encoded format specified via the MessageEncoding <347> field.
215 |
NoRoutingIDs |
N |
Required if any RoutingType <216> and RoutingIDs are specified. Indicates the number within repeating group.
=> |
216 |
RoutingType |
N |
Indicates type of RoutingID <217>. Required if NoRoutingIDs <215> is > 0.
=> |
217 |
RoutingID |
N |
Identifies routing destination. Required if NoRoutingIDs <215> is > 0.
146 |
NoRelatedSym |
N |
Specifies the number of repeating symbols (instruments) specified
=> |
Component Block - <Instrument> |
N |
Insert here the set of "<Instrument>" (symbology) fields
33 |
LinesOfText |
Y |
Specifies the number of repeating lines of text specified
=> |
58 |
Text |
Y |
Repeating field, number of instances defined in LinesOfText <33>
=> |
354 |
EncodedTextLen |
N |
Must be set if EncodedText <355> field is specified and must immediately precede it.
=> |
355 |
EncodedText |
N |
Encoded (non-ASCII characters) representation of the Text <58> field in the encoded format specified via the MessageEncoding <347> field.
149 |
URLLink |
N |
A URL (Uniform Resource Locator) link to additional information (i.e. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/URL)
95 |
RawDataLength |
N |
96 |
RawData |
N |
<MessageTrailer> |
Y |