- Deprecated Field: TotalAccruedInterestAmt <540> [deprecated in FIX 4.4]
- Deprecated the use of SettlCurrAmt <119> and SettlCurrency <120> fields within Allocation messaging NoAllocs repeating group [deprecated in FIX 4.4]
- Deprecated Instrument-affiliated "RedemptionDate" Fields: RedemptionDate <240>, UnderlyingRedemptionDate <247>, and LegRedemptionDate <254> [deprecated in FIX 4.4]
- Deprecated usage of the Settlement Instruction message where used to refer to an allocation message [deprecated in FIX 4.4]
- Deprecated various FIX 4.3-introduced "Repo" Fields [deprecated in FIX 4.4]
- Deprecated "UST" and "USTB" values from the SecurityType <167> field [deprecated in FIX 4.4]
- Deprecated LegQty <687> from certain message types [deprecated in FIX 5.0]
- Deprecated TargetStrategyParameters <848> and ParticipationRate <849> [deprecated in FIX 5.0]
- Deprecated SecondaryTradeReportID <818> and SecondaryTradeReportRefID <881> [deprecated in FIX 5.0]
- Deprecated MaxFloor <111> and MaxShow <210> [deprecated in FIX 5.0]
- Deprecated OddLot <575> [deprecated in FIX 5.0]
- Deprecated enum values from ExecInst <18> [deprecated in FIX 5.0]
- Deprecated OrderQty2 <192>, SettlDate2 <193>, Price2 <640>, LastForwardPoints2 <641>, BidForwardPoints2 <642>, and OfferForwardPoints2 <643> [deprecated in FIX 5.0]
- Deprecated QuoteType <537> from QuoteResponse message only [deprecated in FIX 5.0]
- Deprecated MDEntryOriginator <282>, MDMkt <275> [deprecated in FIX 5.0]
- Deprecated LocationID <283> and DeskID <284> from Market Data messages only [deprecated in FIX 5.0]
- Deprecated LegQty <687> from the specification [deprecated in FIX 5.0 SP1]
- Deprecated PublishTrdIndicator <852> from the specification [deprecated in FIX 5.0 SP1]
- Deprecated OrderID <37> and SecondaryOrderID <198> from OrderMassCancelReport message only [deprecated in FIX 5.0 SP1]
- Deprecated the fields Signature <89>, SecureDataLen <90>, SecureData <91>, SignatureLength <93> [deprecated in FIXT 1.1]
- Deprecated the following enumerations from SecurityRequestType <321> [deprecated in FIX 5.0 SP1]
- Deprecated the following enumeration from SecurityResponseType <323> [deprecated in FIX 5.0 SP1]
- Deprecated the following enumeration from UnitOfMeasure <996>, UnderlyingUnitOfMeasure <998>, LegUnitOfMeasure <999>, PriceUnitOfMeasure <1191>, DerivativeUnitOfMeasure <1269>, DerivativePriceUnitOfMeasure <1315>, LegPriceUnitOfMeasure <1421>, UnderlyingPriceUnitOfMeasure <1424> [deprecated in FIX 5.0 SP1]
- Deprecated from SecurityType <167> the enumeration FOR [deprecated in FIX 5.0 SP2]
Certain features of the FIX Protocol that were implemented in earlier versions of the FIX Protocol specification, have been replaced by a different approach. Such features have been labeled as "Deprecated" throughout the FIX Specification document. This means that feature is being phased out, systems that implement the FIX Protocol should be adjusted to use the new, supported approach, and the next version of the FIX Specification will remove the feature altogether.
The rationale behind deprecating a feature is based upon either:
- Actual use and implementation of the feature identified major shortcomings necessitating a re-design.
- Additional business requirements have been identified which the feature is unable to expand and properly support in its present form.
The new, supported approach for each deprecated feature is identified below:
1. Deprecated Field: TotalAccruedInterestAmt <540> [deprecated in FIX 4.4]
The TotalAccruedInterestAmt <540> field introduced in FIX 4.3 has been replaced by the FIX 4.4-introduced AllocAccruedInterestAmt <742> field for the allocation-level value. Note that AccruedInterestAmt <159> represents the block-level (total). Affects Allocation messaging.
2. Deprecated the use of SettlCurrAmt <119> and SettlCurrency <120> fields within Allocation messaging NoAllocs repeating group [deprecated in FIX 4.4]
AllocSettlCurrAmt <737> and AllocSettlCurrency <736> fields should be used instead of SettlCurrAmt <119> and SettlCurrency <120> within the NoAllocs <78> repeating group. Affects Allocation messaging.
3. Deprecated Instrument-affiliated "RedemptionDate" Fields: RedemptionDate <240>, UnderlyingRedemptionDate <247>, and LegRedemptionDate <254>. [deprecated in FIX 4.4]
Deprecated RedemptionDate <240> from <Instrument>, UnderlyingRedemptionDate <247> from <UnderlyingInstrument>, and LegRedemptionDate <254> from <InstrumentLeg>.
YieldRedemptionDate <696> in <YieldData> component block should be used instead.
4. Deprecated usage of the Settlement Instruction message where used to refer to an allocation message [deprecated in FIX 4.4]
The main body of the Settlement Instruction (now a component block) has been added to the allocation and confirmation messages (Allocation Instruction, Allocation Report and Confirmation).
5. Deprecated various FIX 4.3-introduced "Repo" Fields [deprecated in FIX 4.4]
Deprecated the following fields from <Instrument>, <UnderlyingInstrument>, and <InstrumentLeg> component blocks: RepoCollateralSecurityType <239>, RepurchaseTerm <226>, RepurchaseRate <227>, UnderlyingRepoCollateralSecurityType <243>, UnderlyingRepurchaseTerm <244>, UnderlyingRepurchaseRate <245>, LegRepoCollateralSecurityType <250>, LegRepurchaseTerm <251>, LegRepurchaseRate <252>. The RepoCollateralSecurityType <239> field is satisfied with UnderlyingSecurityType <310>, RepurchaseTerm <226> by TerminationType <788>, RepurchaseRate <227> by Price <44>. The corresponding Underlying... and Leg... equivalents have no meaning. FIX 4.4 introduced significant enhancements to support Product="Financing" (e.g. Repos).
6. Deprecated "UST" and "USTB" values from the SecurityType <167> field [deprecated in FIX 4.4]
Mapping of the deprecated SecurityType <167> field's values is as follows:
Deprecated Value within SecurityType <167> field | SecurityType <167> | ||
UST | US Treasury Note | TNOTE | US Treasury Note |
USTB | US Treasury Bill | TBILL | US Treasury Bill |
7. Deprecated LegQty <687> from certain message types [deprecated in FIX 5.0]
Deprecated LegQty <687> from the following message types: QuoteRequest <R>, QuoteResponse <AJ>, QuoteRequestReject <AG>, Quote <S>, QuoteStatusReport <AI>, NewOrderMultileg <AB>, and ExecutionReport (35=8).
The LegOrderQty <685> should be used instead to convey the order quantity at the leg level. In an ExecutionReport (35=8) the LegOrderQty is used to echo back the order quantity from the order submission.
8. Deprecated TargetStrategyParameters <848> and ParticipationRate <849> [deprecated in FIX 5.0]
Deprecated TargetStrategyParameters <848> and ParticipationRate <849> from the following message types: NewOrderSingle <D>, NewOrderMultileg <AB>, OrderCancelReplaceRequest <G>, MultilegOrderCancelReplace <AC>, ExecutionReport (35=8), NewOrderCross <s>, CrossOrderCancelReplaceRequest <t>, NewOrderList <E>
The NoStrategyParameters <957> repeating group is used instead to convey target strategy parameters and values. See Volume 7 - "PRODUCT: EQUITIES" section for additional usage.
9. Deprecated SecondaryTradeReportID <818> and SecondaryTradeReportRefID <881> [deprecated in FIX 5.0]
Deprecated SecondaryTradeReportID <818> and SecondaryTradeReportRefID <881> from the Trade Capture Report messages. These fields are no longer used.
10. Deprecated MaxFloor <111> and MaxShow <210> [deprecated in FIX 5.0]
Deprecated MaxFloor <111> and MaxShow <210> from messages. They are replaced with DisplayQty <1138> and SecondaryDisplayQty <1082>, respectively, in the <DisplayInstruction> component block.
11. Deprecated OddLot <575> [deprecated in FIX 5.0]
Deprecated OddLot <575> and replaced its usage with LotType <1093> which allows for identifying whether the lot size is an odd lot, round lot, or block lot.
12. Deprecated enum values from ExecInst <18> [deprecated in FIX 5.0]
The following enum values are deprecated from ExecInst <18>:
= Last Peg -
= Mid price Peg -
= Opening peg -
= Market Peg -
= Primary peg -
= Fixed peg to local best bid/offer at time of order -
= Peg to VWAP -
= Trailing Stop Peg -
= Peg to limit
Its usage is replaced by the field PegPriceType <1094> in the <PegInstructions> component block. The values are:
= Last peg -
= mid-price peg -
= opening peg -
= market peg -
= primary peg (primary market – buy at bid or sell at offer) -
= Fixed peg to local best bid or offer at time of order -
= Peg to VWAP -
= Trailing Stop peg -
= Peg to limit price
The following table shows the deprecated enumeration values from ExecInst and the mapping to PegPriceType <1094>, the new supported functionality for identifying the type of pegging for the order.
OrdType (retained) | ExecInst (deprecated values) | PegPriceType (added tag) |
P = Pegged
L = Last peg (last sale)
1 = Last peg (last sale)
P = Pegged
M = Mid-price peg (midprice of inside quote)
2 = Mid-price peg (midprice of inside quote)
P = Pegged
O = Opening peg
3 = Opening peg
P = Pegged
P = Market peg
4 = Market peg
P = Pegged
R = Primary peg (primary market - buy at bid/sell at offer)
5 = Primary peg (primary market - buy at bid/sell at offer)
P = Pegged
W = Peg to VWAP
7 = Peg to VWAP
P = Pegged
a = Trailing Stop Peg
8 = Trailing Stop Peg
P = Pegged
d = Peg to Limit Price
9 = Peg to Limit Price
13. Deprecated OrderQty2 <192>, SettlDate2 <193>, Price2 <640>, LastForwardPoints2 <641>, BidForwardPoints2 <642>, and OfferForwardPoints2 <643> [deprecated in FIX 5.0]
The following fields are being deprecated from use as FX support for FX Swaps will now use the NewOrderMultileg <AB> and other existing multileg components: OrderQty2 <192>, SettlDate2 <193>, Price2 <640>, LastForwardPoints2 <641>, BidForwardPoints2 <642>, and OfferForwardPoints2 <643>
14. Deprecated QuoteType <537> from QuoteResponse message only [deprecated in FIX 5.0]
The QuoteType <537> is only deprecated from the QuoteResponse <AJ> message as it was a cut/paste error when the message was created in FIX 4.4 and does not make sense for this message.
15. Deprecated MDEntryOriginator <282>, MDMkt <275> [deprecated in FIX 5.0]
The following fields are being deprecated from use: MDEntryOriginator <282> and MDMkt <275>. Its usage is replaced by corresponding values in PartyRole <452>.
16. Deprecated LocationID <283> and DeskID <284> from Market Data messages only [deprecated in FIX 5.0]
The following fields are being deprecated only from the Market Data messages: LocationID <283> and DeskID <284>. Its usage is replaced by corresponding values in PartyRole <452>.
17. Deprecated LegQty <687> from the specification [deprecated in FIX 5.0 SP1]
Deprecated LegQty <687> from other messages where it was not depreciated earlier in FIX 5.0 release. These include ExecutionReport (35=8), TradeCaptureReport <AE> and TradeCaptureReportAck <AR>. For these messages LegQty <687> usage has been replaced by LegLastQty <1418>.
18. Deprecated PublishTrdIndicator <852> from the specification [deprecated in FIX 5.0 SP1]
Deprecated PublishTrdIndicator <852> from TradeCaptureReport <AE> and TradeCaptureReportAck <AR> messages. This has been replaced by TradePublishIndicator <1390>.
19. Deprecated OrderID <37> and SecondaryOrderID <198> from OrderMassCancelReport message only [deprecated in FIX 5.0 SP1].
Deprecated OrderID <37> and SecondaryOrderID <198> from OrderMassCancelReport <r>. For this message the MassActionReportID <1369> is used to identify the message.
20. Deprecated the fields Signature <89>, SecureDataLen <90>, SecureData <91>, SignatureLength <93> [deprecated in FIXT 1.1]
Signature <89>, SecureDataLen <90>, SecureData <91>, SignatureLength <93>
21. Deprecated the following enumerations from SecurityRequestType <321> [deprecated in FIX 5.0 SP1]
The values 2 (Request ListSecurity Types) and 3 (Request List Securities) are deprecated from SecurityRequestType <321>
22. Deprecated the following enumeration from SecurityResponseType <323> [deprecated in FIX 5.0 SP1]
The value 3 (List of security types returned per request) is deprecated from SecurityResponseType <323>
23. Deprecated the following enumeration from UnitOfMeasure <996>, UnderlyingUnitOfMeasure <998>, LegUnitOfMeasure <999>, PriceUnitOfMeasure <1191>, DerivativeUnitOfMeasure <1269>, DerivativePriceUnitOfMeasure <1315>, LegPriceUnitOfMeasure <1421>, UnderlyingPriceUnitOfMeasure <1424> [deprecated in FIX 5.0 SP1]
MMbbl - million barrels
24. Deprecated from SecurityType <167> the enumeration FOR
[deprecated in FIX 5.0 SP2]
The value FOR
is deprecated from SecurityType <167>. It is recommended that new values be used
instead: FXSPOT
. The Global FX
Committee also recommends that SecurityType <167> be used instead of CFICode <461>.