The Stipulations component block is used in Fixed Income to provide additional information on a given security. These additional information are usually not considered static data information.
Tag | Field Name | Req'd | Comments | |
232 | NoStipulations | N | ||
→ | 233 | StipulationType | N | Required if NoStipulations >0 |
→ | 234 | StipulationValue | N |
Used In
- <ListOrdGrp>
- <QuotReqGrp>
- <QuotReqRjctGrp>
- <SecListGrp>
- <SecLstUpdRelSymGrp>
- <TrdCapRptAckSideGrp>
- <TrdCapRptSideGrp>
- IOI <6>
- ExecutionReport <8>
- QuoteStatusReport <AI>
- QuoteResponse <AJ>
- Confirmation <AK>
- AllocationReport <AS>
- CollateralRequest <AX>
- CollateralAssignment <AY>
- CollateralResponse <AZ>
- CollateralReport <BA>
- CollateralInquiry <BB>
- AllocationInstructionAlert <BM>
- SecurityDefinitionUpdateReport <BP>
- NewOrderSingle <D>
- AllocationInstruction <J>
- Quote <S>
- SecurityDefinitionRequest <c>
- SecurityDefinition <d>
- NewOrderCross <s>
- CrossOrderCancelReplaceRequest <t>