Type: LocalMktDate
Indicates date of trade referenced in this message in YYYYMMDD format. Absence of this field indicates current day (expressed in local time at place of trade).
Used In
- <ListOrdGrp>
- <SideCrossOrdCxlGrp>
- <SideCrossOrdModGrp>
- <TrdCapDtGrp>
- Advertisement <7>
- ExecutionReport <8>
- OrderCancelReject <9>
- NewOrderMultileg <AB>
- MultilegOrderCancelReplace <AC>
- TradeCaptureReport <AE>
- Confirmation <AK>
- TradeCaptureReportAck <AR>
- AllocationReport <AS>
- AllocationReportAck <AT>
- ConfirmationAck <AU>
- CollateralAssignment <AY>
- CollateralResponse <AZ>
- CollateralReport <BA>
- AllocationInstructionAlert <BM>
- SecurityMassStatus <CO>
- NewOrderSingle <D>
- TradeMatchReport <DC>
- PositionTransferInstruction <DL>
- PositionTransferReport <DN>
- MarketDataStatisticsRequest <DO>
- MarketDataStatisticsReport <DP>
- AllocationInstructionAlertRequest <DU>
- OrderCancelReplaceRequest <G>
- AllocationInstruction <J>
- ListCancelRequest <K>
- AllocationInstructionAck <P>
- MarketDataSnapshotFullRefresh <W>
- MarketDataIncrementalRefresh <X>
- SecurityStatus <f>
- TradingSessionStatus <h>
- BidRequest <k>