
Type: int

Type of Trade.

Valid values:

  • 0 = Regular trade
  • 1 = Block Trade
  • 2 = EFP (Exchange for physical)
  • 3 = Transfer
  • 4 = Late trade
  • 5 = T trade
  • 6 = Weighted average price trade
  • 7 = Bunched trade
  • 8 = Late bunched trade
  • 9 = Prior reference price trade
  • 10 = After hours trade
  • 11 = Exchange for Risk (EFR)
  • 12 = Exchange for swap (EFS)
  • 13 = Exchange of futures for in market futures (EFM)

    For example full sized for mini.

  • 14 = Exchange of options for options (EOO)
  • 15 = Trading at settlement
  • 16 = All or none
  • 17 = Futures large order execution
  • 18 = Exchange of futures for external market futures (EFF)
  • 19 = Option interim trade
  • 20 = Option cabinet trade
  • 22 = Privately negotiated trade
  • 23 = Substitution of Futures for Forwards
  • 48 = Non-standard settlement
  • 49 = Derivative Related Transaction
  • 50 = Portfolio Trade

    Identifies a collection/basket of trades. In the context of bonds (e.g. corporate bonds) these are transacted as a single trade at an aggregate price for the entire portfolio and may be traded all-or-none or most-or-none depending on bilateral agreement.

    In the context of ESMA RTS 1 Article 2(b), may be used to refer to portfolio trades to distinguish between addressable and non-addressable volume.

    In the context of Market Model Typology (MMT), use of this value applies to SecondaryTrdType <855> or TertiaryTrdType <2896>, and when used for MMT market data publication requires MDEntryType <269> = 2 (Trade).

  • 51 = Volume Weighted Average Trade
  • 52 = Exchange Granted Trade
  • 53 = Repurchase Agreement
  • 54 = OTC

    Trade executed off-market. In the context of CFTC regulatory reporting for swaps, it is a large notional off-facility swap. In the context of MiFID transparency reporting rules this is used to report, into an exchange, deals made outside exchange rules.

  • 55 = Exchange basis facility (EBF)
  • 56 = Opening trade
  • 57 = Netted trade
  • 58 = Block swap trade

    Block trade executed off-market or on a registered market. In the context of CFTC regulatory reporting for swaps, it is a swap executed according to SEF or DCM rules.

  • 59 = Credit event trade
  • 60 = Succession event trade
  • 61 = Give-up Give-in trade
  • 62 = Dark trade

    In the context of Market Model Typology (MMT), a dark trade might also come from a lit/hybrid book (e.g. when an aggressive lit order hits a resting dark order). The use of this value applies to TrdType <828>, and when used for MMT market data publication requires MDEntryType <269> = 2 (Trade).

  • 63 = Technical trade
  • 64 = Benchmark

    In the context of ESMA RTS 1 Article 2(a), may be used to refer to benchmark trades.

    In the context of Market Model Typology (MMT), the "benchmark" price depends on a benchmark which has no current price but was derived from a time series such as a VWAP. The use of this value applies to SecondaryTrdType <855> or TertiaryTrdType <2896>, and when used for MMT market data publication requires MDEntryType <269> = 2 (Trade).

  • 65 = Package trade

    Identifies the pseudo-trade of a stream or collection of trades to be transacted, cleared and be reported as an atomic unit. The subsequent actual trades reported should not have this value.

    In the context of ESMA RTS 2 Article 1(1)(b), may be used to refer to package transactions (excluding exchange for physicals).

    In the context of Market Model Typology (MMT), use of this value applies to TrdType <828>, and when used for MMT market data publication requires MDEntryType <269> = 2 (Trade).

  • 66 = Roll trade

    Trade is a roll from one contract that is about to expire to a new contract.

  • 67 = Closing price trade

    Identifies a trade that uses the closing price of a market without resulting from the closing of this market. In the context of FCA policy statement PS23/4, this indicates a benchmark transaction executed using the market closing price and is the "CLSE" flag.

  • 68 = Inter-fund transfer trade

    Administrative trade (non price-forming) related to the transfer of ownership between funds.

  • 69 = Net asset value calculated trade

    Trade of a fund priced at the net asset value of its constituents. In the context of MiFIR RTS 1, this may be used for ETFs when the NAV price becomes available.

  • MiFID Values
    • 24 = Error trade
    • 25 = Special cum dividend (CD)
    • 26 = Special ex dividend (XD)
    • 27 = Special cum coupon (CC)
    • 28 = Special ex coupon (XC)
    • 29 = Cash settlement (CS)
    • 30 = Special price (SP)

      Usually net or all-in price.

    • 31 = Guaranteed delivery (GD)
    • 32 = Special cum rights (CR)
    • 33 = Special ex rights (XR)
    • 34 = Special cum capital repayments (CP)
    • 35 = Special ex capital repayments (XP)
    • 36 = Special cum bonus (CB)
    • 37 = Special ex bonus (XB)
    • 38 = Block trade

      The same as large trade.

    • 39 = Worked principal trade
    • 40 = Block trades
    • 41 = Name change
    • 42 = Portfolio transfer
    • 43 = Prorogation buy

      Used by Euronext Paris only. Is used to defer settlement under French SRD (deferred settlement system). Trades must be reported as crosses at zero price.

    • 44 = Prorogation sell

      See prorogation buy.

    • 45 = Option exercise
    • 46 = Delta neutral transaction
    • 47 = Financing transaction
  • or any value conforming to the data type Reserved1000Plus

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