Tag |
Field Name |
Req'd |
Comments |
311 |
UnderlyingSymbol |
N |
312 |
UnderlyingSymbolSfx |
N |
309 |
UnderlyingSecurityID |
N |
305 |
UnderlyingSecurityIDSource |
N |
457 |
NoUnderlyingSecurityAltID |
N |
=> |
458 |
UnderlyingSecurityAltID |
N |
=> |
459 |
UnderlyingSecurityAltIDSource |
N |
462 |
UnderlyingProduct |
N |
463 |
UnderlyingCFICode |
N |
310 |
UnderlyingSecurityType |
N |
763 |
UnderlyingSecuritySubType |
N |
313 |
UnderlyingMaturityMonthYear |
N |
542 |
UnderlyingMaturityDate |
N |
241 |
UnderlyingCouponPaymentDate |
N |
242 |
UnderlyingIssueDate |
N |
243 |
UnderlyingRepoCollateralSecurityType |
N |
(Deprecated, not applicable/used for Repos)
244 |
UnderlyingRepurchaseTerm |
N |
(Deprecated, not applicable/used for Repos)
245 |
UnderlyingRepurchaseRate |
N |
(Deprecated, not applicable/used for Repos)
246 |
UnderlyingFactor |
N |
256 |
UnderlyingCreditRating |
N |
595 |
UnderlyingInstrRegistry |
N |
592 |
UnderlyingCountryOfIssue |
N |
593 |
UnderlyingStateOrProvinceOfIssue |
N |
594 |
UnderlyingLocaleOfIssue |
N |
247 |
UnderlyingRedemptionDate |
N |
(Deprecated, use YieldRedemptionDate <696> in <YieldData> component block)
316 |
UnderlyingStrikePrice |
N |
941 |
UnderlyingStrikeCurrency |
N |
317 |
UnderlyingOptAttribute |
N |
436 |
UnderlyingContractMultiplier |
N |
435 |
UnderlyingCouponRate |
N |
308 |
UnderlyingSecurityExchange |
N |
306 |
UnderlyingIssuer |
N |
362 |
EncodedUnderlyingIssuerLen |
N |
363 |
EncodedUnderlyingIssuer |
N |
307 |
UnderlyingSecurityDesc |
N |
364 |
EncodedUnderlyingSecurityDescLen |
N |
365 |
EncodedUnderlyingSecurityDesc |
N |
877 |
UnderlyingCPProgram |
N |
878 |
UnderlyingCPRegType |
N |
318 |
UnderlyingCurrency |
N |
Specific to the <UnderlyingInstrument> (not in <Instrument>)
879 |
UnderlyingQty |
N |
Specific to the <UnderlyingInstrument> (not in <Instrument>)
Unit amount of the underlying security (par, shares, currency, etc.)
810 |
UnderlyingPx |
N |
Specific to the <UnderlyingInstrument> (not in <Instrument>)
In a financing deal clean price (percent-of-par or per unit) of the underlying security or basket.
882 |
UnderlyingDirtyPrice |
N |
Specific to the <UnderlyingInstrument> (not in <Instrument>)
In a financing deal price (percent-of-par or per unit) of the underlying security or basket. 'Dirty' means it includes accrued
883 |
UnderlyingEndPrice |
N |
Specific to the <UnderlyingInstrument> (not in <Instrument>)
In a financing deal price (percent-of-par or per unit) of the underlying security or basket at the end of the agreement.
884 |
UnderlyingStartValue |
N |
Specific to the <UnderlyingInstrument> (not in <Instrument>)
Currency <15> value attributed to this collateral at the start of the agreement
885 |
UnderlyingCurrentValue |
N |
Specific to the <UnderlyingInstrument> (not in <Instrument>)
Currency <15> value currently attributed to this collateral
886 |
UnderlyingEndValue |
N |
Specific to the <UnderlyingInstrument> (not in <Instrument>)
Currency <15> value attributed to this collateral at the end of the agreement
Component Block - <UnderlyingStipulations> |
N |
Specific to the <UnderlyingInstrument> (not in <Instrument>)
Insert here the contents of the <UnderlyingStipulations> Component Block